"Hard Mode" for Arcane Odyssey/Alternate Game Changers

I wonder what would it be like

lose items on death



vitality hybrid

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reject permadeath hard mode embrace chaos mode

  • Triple the HP and increase the damage output by 50% for each boss.
  • Basic enemies like Ice Smugglers and Marines now use Spells/Techniques/Skills.
  • Having fame over 30,000 can now cause the Assassin Syndicate to send ships towards you location.
  • Meals don’t give their special effects.
  • Sharks bigger than Tiger Sharks now inflict instant death when hitting a player.

I wasn’t really thinking of game balance, I just wanted to make the game as hard as I thought it could become within reason. If I wanted to forget about reasonability, I could just force a Warrior or Berserker build and remove Techniques/Skills.

warden but only m1 (deepwoken full hp builds)

no spirit weapons eather

Hardmode is unlocked for the player after beating The Bronze Sea on any profile. It can be enabled on any profile at the start of the game, but cannot be disabled at any point, requiring the profile to be wiped to remove it. The following are the applied changes:

  • The player can only trade with other players if the deal is regarded as fair—the values have to align by at most 25%. The player cannot take giveaways.

  • The player fights a separate boss compared to other players. Other players cannot help them, and they cannot help other players. Bosses also have 25% more HP and damage.

  • All enemies deal 25% more damage to the player. No extra HP because A: desync and B: I hate inflated HP pools.

  • Sharks now deal doubled damage to the player, as do all diving spot hazards.

  • Iris and Shura are made into actual challenges. Iris now has 650 HP, and becomes more mobile. She’s also less predictable, and has a shorter interval between attacks. Shura now has more of a warning for his attacks, but now can now detect of the player is running in a straight line. His attacks deal roughly doubled damage.

  • Occasional NPC bounty hunters can spawn 30 studs away from the player, ambushing them. They can have a level up to 30% higher than the player’s up until 999.

  • The player now always loses galleons on death, regardless of their current galleon count. They also lose more—20% of their current count up to 1,000.

I decided to be reasonable with this, not sure why, lol.


Huh, I really like the multiplayer approach you took to this. I was thinking of a separate, single-player server for a hypothetical Hard Mode.

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