Hardest boss for the level u first fight them at?

@DeronChepem might as well make then entire frikin guide “block parry dodge”

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Maria suck imo.
She has aimbot flintlocks and her 600 damage tentacle attack, which will do a lot of damage at that level. She also regenerates into the second phase the first time you fight her, so you will be at a hp disadvantage.

Bro its just the basics of pve and pvp

maria is the worst…why on earth are there so many votes for calvus? he’s insanely easy once you get his patterns down.

1st place: maria
2nd place: ellius

the others bosses are irrelevant

Yeah, his acid magic and the fighting area are both really annoying.

Its a tie between Elius or Calvus

Shura and Iris can be m1ed to death quickly, but when u reach Elius u dont have any good gear, specifically no power. You cant outdamage him, and now that the level cap is removed you wont be a very high level when u fight him. Even for pure classes they struggle against him. Mages can only spam blast or beam and berserkers are ded. Only good one is warrior.

Argos is just a high hp punching bag. Hes a bit easier than Elius cuz he is a lot more predictable.

Calvus is definitely a hard boss, but the thing is by the time you fight him you prob unlocked most of your skills, have decent hp and know how the game works. Calvus is a lot more preditable and his arena is bigger, so i would say its easier than Elius.

Maria isnt really a hard boss, however this is because there is a YEAR gap between Bronze and Nimbus, and players are already stacked when they fight her. If its a new player then they might struggle as they cant outdamage her and her arena is small

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I manage to cheese calvus by bringing him outside and attack him while covering myself

You all really have that much trouble with calvus?
his fight is literally a 2 or 1.5/5 for me at this point
I usually take way more damage on bosses like elius or argos (if I don’t cheese him) compared to calvus



Just joking, for now it’s Maria

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tbh, kai and merlot are the hardest for me

We all say Calvus but deep inside we all dread the trauma from Revon fight
That was the worst one ever


I personally don’t think Maria is that difficult at level 125 or so when you fight her, especially as you can have Dodge Reflexes by then. Calvus is easily the hardest at intended level, although Elius can be annoying he just requires a bit of practice with dodging and blocking a few of his attacks.
Calvus occasionally grabs you and does half your health if you aren’t concentrating enough.

No i died a couple times but to be fair we were all just discovering this new thing called “Dodging” which vetex forgot to add to WoM or something

1, he fast
2, i thought blocking was useless
3, I didn’t know dashing existed at the time (or I only used it for travel and the arena was small)
4, it’s dark

I cant believe that there are still people who think elius at level 60 is hard

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I can’t believe that there are still people who think Calvus at level 80 is hard

He isnt, none of the bosses are that difficult yet (i assume later seas will be harder)

I put down Elius, and there’s one reason why.

He can just flatly stat check you.

If you have a low damage/slow build- or are required to play hit and run a lot, he can use potions and lightning heal to just outscale how much damage you are managing to get off on him. I’ve seen new players get insanely frustrated with this feature. It’s actually why despite Argos objectively being a stronger boss, Argos is easier. Sure he is the first boss who can block and parry, but he doesn’t heal, so you can eventually defeat him.

Once you’ve had to kill him like 200 times trying to grind out his gear you start to memorize his attacks and he becomes really easy, but for a new player who at best maybe has some Iron Armor, his attack pattern is really gimmicky, unreadable and quite punishing.

I genuinely played for over 100 hours and it wasn’t until later when I saw a post on the forum that I found out you’re supposed to hit him to end the placed explosion attack early, up until then I’d been combatting it by airstalling above the placed explosion’s hitbox and then straight up walking out the front door of the arena for a bit if he was charging too long.

Once I finally found out it went from an insane attack that forces you to aircamp or otherwise cheese it to avoid death to the easiest, most predictable attack in his entire kit.

The forced airstalling definitely taught me the fundamentals of mage quite well though

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I’ve only killed him like 15 ish times though
he literally has some of the most coordinated attacks of any boss in the game
you can even reliably punish his multi blast into iron leg combo if you time your dodge correctly