Has anyone played DnD?

honest question, anybpdy played DnD before?

I think I should start playing but idk how to or where to play


and does anyone if they know how to be a DM maybe want a form a DnD campaign with some forumers?

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Never played it before and I hear it’s complicated

I’ve heard a lot of good things though

I played it once with my brothers; they used to play it a lot (they’re in their 30s)

I could maybe do it later today if you’d care to teach me about it

see the thing is…

i don’t know how to play either!

Tried to start a campaign with my girlfriend, her boyfriend (poly relationship), and two mutual friends we all had with one of those friends being the DM.

We didn’t even finish session 0. I made my character, a tiefling bard, but my girlfriend and our non-DM friend backed out due to their own reasons.

At least I tried :pensive:

I hear there’s people who go to the library to play Magic: The Gathering and stuff like that but I haven’t played it before nor do I know how to play that game so :fr:

DnD might be cool though, been like 2 years since I played it

do you know how to be a DM?

No lmao

My DND knowledge is very limited and I have no experience as a DM to begin with, no experience even playing with a DM.

I wonder if anyone on forums is a good DM, I mean, there has to be at least 1 person

(also sidenote if we do somehow get a campaign started how do we feel about homebrew?)

what sane mother has children 17 years apart

unless of course there was adoption involved, actually even if there was a case of adoption thats still way too big of an age gap

We have different mothers but the same father; they’re technically only my half-brothers

ahh makes more sense

I’ve played quite a bit of DnD.

The rules are pretty complicated, but they’re easy to understand once you know what you’re doing. The problem that most new groups have is that they misinterpret most of the core mechanics.


This is a digital toolset that you can use to get started. It comes with the basic rules, a basic character creator, and I think it comes with a beginner campaign that you can run. You can buy more expansion books on the website as well as more campaigns.

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are u a good DM?

no, get a group of friends together and experiment.

My brother had a phase a few year ago where he really wanted to play but had nobody else to play with, so he roped our dad and me into playing, and I was to be the DM.

So they made their characters and I planned out session 1. They were invited by the lord of a small coastal town as guests for unknown reasons, they don’t know each other and meet a few NPCs that were there for similar reasons, yada yada yada. I then had them be woken up by screams and rumblings as the town was under siege by a beholder and it’s minions.

Now this is where they should have taken one of the escape routes I had planned (over the broken walls from the courtyard, fight through the main street etc.) but, as the played will forever subvert the DM, they instead went straight for the beholder to “save the town”. I thought my brother would know that their level 1 “party” of 2 had no chance of getting close to the beholder, but he instead made our dad believe they could. So I made the lord that I killed via falling stones right before their eyes come back to life to tell them of a secret passage that they should use to run away, but alas. After they ignored absolutely every other NPC telling them to run, a merchant offering them an escape ride in his carriage, and the wave after wave of progressively more hellish monsters, they make their way to the beholder. After the aberration uses telepathy to mock them and tell them to run, they try shooting it with arrows.

This is where I kinda had enough of it, and having been in the whole thing against my will in the first place, I just had them disintegrated. I never played since.

TL;DR I was a DM once, wiped the party during session 1 via a beholders disintegration ray for refusing to be railroaded for even a second.


u wanna join?

I’m tryna make a DnD using forumers

since yall my friends :stuck_out_tongue: