Has anyone played DnD?

I already got stuff going on RN

okay :frowning:

The wonderful thing is that they now know that beholders are not meant to be fought by a level 1 party.

what is the highest level possible in DnD

  1. Though campaigns rarely go past level 10.

btw for everyone else here if u know how to DM or wanna join just private message me

Arcane odyssey players at level 90: rookie numbersā€¦

Arcane adventures level 300:

You live and you learn as they say. Unfortunately for them, they failed at the ā€œliveā€ part.

Every level in dnd is meant to be a massive power-up. Thereā€™s a significant difference between a level 1 player and a level 3 player


that makes sense

Heh, reminds me of the time that my players tried to fight Tiamat herselfā€¦ Good times.

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man dnd sounds fun but like so complicated ree

It isnt too complicated, people talk up the rules too much. Itā€™s actually not all too hard to learn, just takes someone who wants to learn

I want to learn

I do, and I think Iā€™m indirectly banned from a game shop

Omg yes itā€™s so fun

Especially when you gamble 300 gold and 5 javelins trying to buy a horse

Rules arenā€™t the core experience, you can find online groups on roll 20 that can teach you. Warning that some can be toxic tho

Trust me I run a game for friends as a dm and I only know like a quarter of the rules

Iā€™ve been intrigued in itā€™s concepts and systems for a while, but havenā€™t played it

so does anyone wanna try to start a campaign?