Have any of your schools been devious lick'd yet

They weren’t caught… I honestly wouldn’t know the story

Master criminals I stg

they stole a mirror. Im not even joking. Somebody stole a fucking mirror.


ZHS and ZMS have been lick’d send help

The devious lick trend is something which is funny for a couple of seconds, before getting round-house kicked in the face by reality as you realize that you just committed a literal crime by stealing from an underfunded school, and self reported yourself, dumbass.

(And to answer the question, no, but we got violent graffiti in exchange)


why do these kids think that they wont get caught?

oh right, they dont think. they only think about clout.

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Also, the devious lick trend proves that humans are the smartest, and yet dumbest species on Earth.

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Some people are just reckless

no, humans are dumb. any, ANY animal is smarter

especially monkeys

Seeing as how I’m in a college, I feel like if any students attempted this shit-they’d immediately be sued and have criminal charges filed against them by my college…

Short answer, no

But I mean think about it, think about how much planning and critical thinking it must have taken to steal some of the shit listed here, and how they stayed mostly hidden. Like there’s soap dispensers, mirrors, literal pipes, and entire toilets, that must have taken some work both physically and mentally to pull off. But at the same time, they didn’t realize how fucking idiotic doing such a thing is, and how dumb it would be to REVEAL YOURSELF in an almost perfect crime.

hehe monke

no they dont because i have online school, what are they gonna do? steal the teachers account? (i actually did that once but thats besides the point)

Some kid stole one of those urinal soaps on the first day then did it again on the 3rd lmao.

my classmates only do tik tok dances and are not clout-hungry neanderthals

God I hate humanity.
This pandemic has really shown how fucking Neanderthal the Homo Sapien race is.

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i have no idea what that means and i’m afraid about knowing it
but this meme is nice


another term for vandalism/burglary

but they steal used urinals

but why