I’ve been thinking about this ever since I found out that the new bosses weapons are warrior only. Have any new weapons, added since release, actually been usable by hybrids?
The only unique weapons I can even think of Hybrids getting with all moves are Kais sabre, Merlot stuff, Sunken Sword, and Elius weapons (Actually I dont think they can use sparrow thrust)
Aside from Warlrods getting argos items, I can’t really think of any more weapons that hybrids can use.
It’s starting to really bug my conjurer friend who doesn’t play ao much that every time he comes back he has nothing new to pursue on the weapon side of things. And in Nimbus, he basically just lost Javelin and didnt even get a new weapon in turn.
Triasta: came back into viability into this patch
Atlantean weapons: meh, great sword is still okay iirc
Vindicator: nearly lost 2nd move
Sunken staff:
Ravennean weapons: meh
Siren bow:
no clue on the new weapons
I genuinely cannot think of any other warrior weapons
No, remember, javelin and selino were taken away from any hybrid who doesn’t hard focus into one stat. So for like, Conjurers, you cant have 130 weapons and the 150 magic required for javelin, so you have to sacrafice some weapons second moves to use javelin.
for warriors I’m unsure how to relieve the fixed delay on weapons, but for conjurer, warlord, and savants, you can use magic and fighting styles to sort of cancel the weapon delay and start airstalling