I don’t hack but do two other things. I abused glitches in some games, couldn’t find any glitches in WoM to abuse tho. the closest thing to hacks i could be using are just some minecraft mods like origins or anything on that technic launcher pack. I don’t do it in multiplayer other than the set servers in the mods
Like the actual in game badges in HOURS
You mean the secrets?
Those aren’t competitive either, its not like only 15 people can unlock Sand and you have to be within the 15 fastest runs or something.
That’s literally the definition of competitive
I said its specifically not that.
Everyone can unlock sand, just speedrun the game in under 10 minutes with hourglass mode active without overclocking or turbocharging and bam you’ve got it.
Me watching this argument unfold:
I read wrong, still is competitive
Like Entry Point, a limited amount of people still are good enough to achieve something
Competitive means that there’s a reward for going against other people.
At no point, outside of what tiny speedrunning community exists in hours, do you do this.
It doesn’t have to go directly against other people, it’s like the Pheonix Rising badge in entry point, it’s just a simple badge anyone can get but it’s still competetive since only a few have the skill to get it
Not directly, but the phoenix rising badge doesn’t even indirectly go against other people.
You’re just completing ironman mode on the highest difficulty, you’re not competing against your allies, not in any way that actually affects the outcome or reward.
Everybody who wins gets the gold mask, its not like its limited to who got the most kills, least heals, ect ect.
It goes indirectly since it’s an achievement of skill that not all people gets
I don’t think you even understand what competition is, do you think competing markets 1v1 eachother in an MMA fight to establish monopolies or some shit? Wake up
Competing markets go against each other near constantly, just listen to some ads, you can basically hear a commercial war declaration in some of them if they mention a different company.
They alter prices to undermine each other, attempt to overtake the other through higher quality, advertisements, ect ect. That is a competition. Not everyone gets off on equal footing, eventually one market wins out and the other is viewed as a worse version of it. Regardless of if they actually are or not.
If you think that a competition is a couple people being slightly more skilled than somebody else and then helping the less skilled person do whatever they did, you need to wake up.
Bruh how is quality control and ads “Directly” going against another market
You really think companies have a fucking war declaration against other companies???
A hierarchy of skill is a competition and why are you so pressed on trying to explain why people should exploit on HOURS?
That’s called Co-Op dumbass
holy shit you actually have no idea.
Walmart isn’t going to go out and say “I hereby declare war on you, [Insert other company here]”
They’re going to copy whatever the other company is doing, buy them out, undermine them, or do something else to make them look worse.
I call it a ‘commercial war declaration’ if, lets say a commercial on a medicine mentions how it specifically has less negative effects than some other medication while having better effects.
That is directly going against that other company.
Well I’m not telling people to exploit it, I’m telling you that its not competitive.
Wait are you figuring it out? That’s literally how you get the phoenix rising badge in EP.
Co-Op, you don’t fight your party members for it.
That implies you think all companies do this in their ads, companies are automatically competing with other similar markets by virtue of a limited amount of customers without needing to do anything
I said it had a competitive nature, not that it’s a 1v1 to the death boxing match.
It takes skill to get badges, you can flex what you got through skill, I can consider that competitive
I never said you fight your party members, nor have I said that you didn’t get the badge through Co-Op
I said it takes skill…
exploits are a waste of time
Alright I’ma just cut straight to the chase here.
Based on your logic so far here, I can say that God of War 3 is a competitive game because there’s secrets you can acquire throughout the game that you can use in NG+ runs.
Literally no other reason.
Based on your logic so far, you don’t even need to know what the game is, if it has multiplayer or not, or anything. It has secrets you can collect and that’s all you need to know, it is competitive.
They do, that’s literally the point of advertisements
Not exactly, i used to exploit on Scp games with noclip hacks. i ain’t paying 2,000 robux to see a free asset on a cage, i stopped since i got a warning on my acc. scared the shit out of me and never did that stuff again
scp gamepases aren’t worth it when you see the stuff that they actually offer you get disappointed
It can be competitive is different from it is entirely competitive. I’m only saying it can be
Companies don’t directly mention other companies in all of their ads
Both of y’all stop arguing lmfao