Headless uses autofishing?

nobody is going to learn a programming language just to fish fast

It’s more like getting a shitload of sunken items for just afking in a dead server for a week but okay.

or just catch a line of information that comes to your computer that endycate you’ve catch something.
But i dont think it would work since most companies Encrypt their informations that comes from game to your computer

you can just listen, there are only 2 important sounds that comes to fishing

How in the name of goodness did this end up on the forums?

If it’s not an advantage might aswell make it something everyone can use :clown_face:

I mean, this isn’t as bad as the bug I found out where you could literally convert your rare fishes into exotic or legendary fishes. This by itself would’ve ruined the game’s fish economy have it been spread accidentally.

That’s the issue, “Literally anyone can use one”

make your own not hard to do with macro recorder

wow this got quite big [ been watching it for awhile ], welp time to throw in my two cents.
Personally i don’t agree with 3rd party interference in gaming [ communication apps are fine though ] as it tends to ruin how the game was meant to be played and as a result just makes it feel automated and boring or unfair when it comes to hacking.
However as autofishing isn’t exactly useful to the point where it breaks the balance of the game in any noticeable way it’s fine i suppose? it’s certainly a pretty cheap thing to do though…
As long as auto fishing isn’t allowed if fishing ever becomes profitable [ you tend to actually lose crowns right now in some cases ] i don’t think it’s a major issue.
and that is my opinion on the matter.
Edit of sorts - yeah autofishing just shouldn’t be allowed as one person can easily fish 3x+ times faster [ through having several instances open or having multiple pcs ] with a bit of knowledge which is just…
[ when i wrote this originally i was only thinking about having it just automated once which is a cheap tactic but its kinda fair? as it’s not faster than just fishing normally. but with an autofishing script/whatever else your using, you can fish at absurd rates if your using alts while doing nothing 24/7 if you felt like it ]

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If you guys really don’t like people macroing to fish while AFK, there’s a solution. I call it the 1-minute check. If someone is fishing, say something to them that would make them respond. If they don’t respond in 1 minute, kill them to render their macroing useless until they come back. If they do respond, spare them, since they would likely not be AFK.

This may not work in all cases, but it would work well especially against people who auto fish in relatively obscure places.


hahahaha yeah that’d do the trick

I would do that but headless threatened to ban and he’s the type of guy where you can never tell if he’s serious or not :fr:

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Autofarming things is usually banned in MMOs because it’s unfair on people who don’t have enough access to their computer to run fishing macros overnight/at school (say, family computers), and it gives a massive advantage to people that have the hardware/knowhow to run multiple clients at once and grind at rates far beyond what a player without third party software is capable of.

If using multiple clients to fish at once is allowed, and using auto-fishers to fish is allowed, then by extension it’s perfectly legal to use external software to run dozens of simultaneous fishing accounts. If they fish in good hiding spots (or use scale to fill entire servers), there’s nothing to interrupt these accounts except for the occasional need to manually sell the fish they caught, buy more bait with the money and fence sunken gear.

It’s kinda weird seeing the people who were celebrating the MMORPG grind in other threads pop up in this one and endorse just leaving your machine on overnight for a few days with a 12 line script to get the same results.


The only flaw I see with that is theres literally an invisible rod bug and someone can be obscure and fish in the air and nobody would find out about it until someone breaks their tree on accident


I dont really care since this is sunken items and sunken items are trash anyway, and its pretty impossible to make a macro for quest grinding when lost magic comes out so I dont mind this


yeah once it gets to one person with several acounts at once it just can’t be excused by any means, i couldn’t agree more.

Now that I think about it, magic sensing could become a very good tool for killing afk fishing people. You can be rewarded for hunting them with kills in the statistics or with crowns if stealing crowns from dead people ever becomes a thing like in AA.
I hope it will come out soon…

Any kind of macros that make the game easier for you should be banned unless anyone is able to get one without much effort.Still i believe it should not be allowed as it would make getting crowns too easy

I mean no one is going to spend money on a vps just for fishing like come on.