Headless uses autofishing?

Next on, headless sells his autofisher script for $10.

but in all seriousness, it can’t be TOO hard to figure out how to do. One could probably making it in like a week, from having no programming knowledge.

If I don’t have a working autofisher in a week, everyone has permission to come back to this post and laugh at me.

The hardest part is making it work while the window isn’t focused, everything else is fairly straight foward.

The question remains: when you make your autofisher, will you release it or lead others to the solution of how to make it. Or will you keep it for yourself to have a MASSIVE advantage (wouldn’t blame you if you did)

i tried making an autofishing bot but it went sentient and is now loose in the servers

oh don’t worry I killed it


Bruh. Quite the debate. I’m gonna put my take on this.

Automating things in an open world RPG is tragic and dishonourable. It completely shreds the in-game economy and results in a generally bad environment for everyone.

I can code. I have a hobbyists’ knowledge of Lua, Python, and C++. Why haven’t I made a highly efficient auto fisher then?

It’s simple, really. Honour. Do I want to be the kind of person who is known to behave like I’m “up there” and everyone else is “down low”? Do I want to be a respectable, trustworthy person or a lazy “nerd” who literally has no time to commit at all? Finding super rare items should be the reward of diligence, not the product of some script that took no more than 2 hours to make.

Yeah… if I am wasting my free time clicking away I would want others to do the same like it was meant to be. Suffer like I’m suffering.

Honour is not really a valid excuse to not attempt to make things easier for yourself. You sound like we are back in the Trojan wars lol.

The autoclicker already does look for the ! And clicks a specific amount of times. You can’t tell if the bobber is in the water or not because the bobber is not always in the same location.

I honestly don’t care, and good for him, because fishing is an really effortless task. Just turn up SFX volume or something, throw the line, tab out of roblox and do whatever, and when you hear the volume cue for fishing, tab back in. It gets even easier if you have an extra monitor too.

And if you have a second monitor, it’s even better as you don’t even need to tab out. In my opinion, the only time fishing gets tiring is if you are managing two or three roblox accounts fishing at once as you can’t really tab out or focus on other things.

Let me remind all of y’all that auto clicking isn’t the same as exploiting. There soon will be auto-farmer exploiters prob. if not already

Hm. I like you.

Still though. People who don’t have the time nor energy to be diligent shouldn’t deserve good stuff at all. It’s like working for 3 hours and then having a decent lifetime income, which is something that isn’t desirable in society AT ALL.

tfw headless refuses to bestow upon the community the godsend that is that “autoclicker”

Idk man its the fact that people can get rewards when they are not playing the game. Like you should not be able to get any reward if you are not playing the game, normal people won’t be fishing 24/7 while people who have this macro will be able to. Just gonna have to wait and see what Vetex says.

Are people really mad that Headless is using an advanced auto-clicker. Literally anyone can use one.

I think the diffrence between hacking and using a autofisher is the autofisher is a 50 percent worse way to fish as it has a high chance of clicking to early or only throwing the bobber 1 minute after they caught something making it a worse way of fishing while hacks like the chest hack are 10 times more effective than chest hunting yourself because it knows exactly where a chest is and clips through the map to get it.

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Imagine trying to use image recognition for auto-fishing, you literally don’t need to do that.

Auto-Fishing is little bit slower than normal fishing so it doesn’t really give that much of a advantage at all expect for taking no strength pretty much.

Because people are reading this, where can I get a macro script for this I’m so tired of fishing

Shawty’s like a melody in my head
That I can’t keep out
Got me singin’ like
Na na na na everyday
It’s like my iPod stuck on replay, replay-ay-ay-ay

Shawty’s like a melody in my head
That I can’t keep out
Got me singin’ like
Na na na na everyday
It’s like my iPod stuck on replay, Deluga Heights (replay)