Hecate Essence Rant and a Call for Answers Regarding it

Like I said before.
I’m going to keep fighting for change until it happens or I am banned. I’m not waiting for QoL that should have been in the game on release any longer, it has been four fucking years for something vetex could probably do in under an hour.

It is a win-win for me.
Either the game improves and becomes enjoyable again or I can move on without another thought.


guess youll have to move on then :sob:

I fully understand that you want to see me gone for reasons I still don’t understand but can you be a little more subtle with it.
You’ve literally said as much.

bro im literally making a point that you arent gonna get what you want so out of the two options you said, youre more likely to end up moving on

use your brain please

Fascinating, I’ve never seen this sort of message before.

there have been hundreds of topics that have arguments but theoretical flagged like 100 messages so mods got involved

they kept derailing, I flagged the people derailing, it totaled to about 20 flags across 6 days because it was completely ignored for 6 days.

I think you could try reading the banner, if you’d like.


lets not do this.

Balancing your stuff around pvp is a slow killer

Look at Destiny


I don’t understand the point being made considering this has been relatively calm and simply a “this has to stop” sort of rant and then apparently that translates to being an arrogant cunt because of a debate? Being antagonistic like that literally does not support the point you’re trying to get across at all.

And yes I’m 9 days late this is a topic I’d like to see something actually done about

i dont even remember typing that i was high :pray:


what :sob:

Vetex my brother in christ, I made my main file 2 years ago, let me change my god damn first magic

Make it a timer, for every 100h of playtime you can go to a temple in Mount Othrys and hecate’s fart essence will be there available


its not necessarily the rarity its the giant size of far reaches islands and the insanity that fuck up finding it

Insanity definitely needs to be toned down it is ridiculous

Now imagine people with poor eye sight or epilepsy tryna navigate the far reaches

it should be schizophrenia and not blindness

Yeah they just need to remove the chaos fire thing and tone down everything else and it’s all good