Hecate Essence Rant and a Call for Answers Regarding it

ive finished elden ring, sekiro, cuphead and sifu mate

ok and is walking from point A to point B difficult?

'cause guess what, that’s all finding essence is!

it sure is difficult to see thats for sure

yes but you act like finding essence is somehow mechanically difficult and that people are complaining about it because its beyond their skill level.

its not, and that’s obviously not the complaint being made.

i mean i personally dont find it difficult but considering the age of many ao players i think they would find it difficult

ive seen the skillset of your average casual player and its pretty shocking

are you reading what I’m saying.

if somebody genuinely finds the act of sailing to an island and walking around on it difficult, then they need immediate medical attention. that sucks for them, this topic is not about that person, though.

there is no point in continuing to bring up this person who probably doesn’t even exist.

yes just ignore the water poisoning and insanely levelled enemies waiting for them on each island on top of that

water poisoning also isn’t difficult to deal with, its just annoying. find cover.
avoiding atlanteans also isn’t difficult, its just annoying. either stay away from them, toss them in the water, or kill them if you’re able.

who woulda thought that exploring parts of the dark sea that we aren’t even supposed to be anywhere near is unenjoyable.

these things are all problems, but none are as big as the one being talked about here.

the complaint that’s actually being made here is:
1: 8.3% chance to spawn on an island the size of mount orthys is ridiculous
2: why are there generated islands the size of mount orthys (sometimes much MUCH bigger) to begin with.
3: why is it so hard to spot.

well my sweet summer child i dunno what to tell ya

vetex is adamant to keep it as it is and hes already given the player plenty of compromises (adding hecate essence in the first place, free stat reset for every file)

you can keep ranting about hecate essence if you want but i imagine youre getting a bit bored of that since its all you do on the forums now… also 5 edits to your message is crazy calm down

you’re great at making baseless assumptions.
just because I can take myself seriously and be persistent on a topic doesn’t mean I do literally nothing else.

its not a baseless assumption when i looked at your profile activity

last 2 days is allllll hecate essence rant, but lets not go off topic… time and place right?

yes, most of my recent posts have been here, but not all.

on that topic, aren’t you getting bored of trying to antagonize me, you’ve been at this since I created this post 12 days ago.

if you think this is me trying to antagonize you, you havent seen anything

its just my natural sarcastic tone which comes from being british you see

you very clearly are trying to antagonize me, nothing was said about the amount of effort or thought you was putting into it.
I don’t particularly care if you could be oh-so-much worse, you’re still making an attempt.

im really not making attempt at all youre just reading into it all wrong

im sure you dont wanna derail so its best if we shush up about this

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There’s a difference between difficulty and tedium.

Sure, being in the far reaches and avoiding Atlanteans CAN be difficult for players. If Vetex doesn’t want magic to be changed easily, simply putting it in the Far Reaches would be more than enough in my opinion. However, the general dislike for Hecate Essence comes from how tedious it is to find it. Outside of the poor visibility associated with deeper reaches and the time it takes to simply get there, the islands are massive. Having to search every stud of an island easily bigger than Ravenna is tedious.

It doesn’t help that it’s only a 1/12 chance, meaning all your time spent could be (and likely will be) wasted. Nobody wants their efforts to be worthless, and yet they are. I myself have “only” spent around 7 hours hunting just to change my magic color, and have come up empty handed.
There’s no difficulty specifically around Hecate Essence, rather it’s placement in the Dark Sea. That’s the only part that can be considered difficult. However as it stands, Hecate Essence is a vital mechanic made horrifically time-consuming for a rather dumb reason.


thanks for putting my thoughts into words.

“What’s meta every few days” like its not his job to balance the game so that people aren’t forced to pick a meta in the first place, and the game gets updated every 4 months who’s bro trying to deceive?

For the record, I agree, I dont want players to flip flop either, hecate essence just needs to be made consistent and less soul suckingly boring, enough with the dumb rng


my biggest issue with that whole point is that magic swapping isn’t ‘flip flopping’ builds.
now if we were asking to get promethean acrimonies easily to constantly change our builds every 30 seconds, yes, THAT would be ‘flip flopping’ builds.

changing magic is literally no different from swapping out a fighting style in terms of function.
hecate essence shouldn’t be grouped with acrimonies to begin with, they’re on entire different levels from each other.
one changes part of your build, the other changes your entire build.

make it 1/6 or shrink far reaches islands dawg :sob:

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