Hello, I am Prime!

Hey! I am Prime! To O.R.A.C.L.E, I am basically the right part of his brain! We share the same User Too! :grimacing: :crazy_face: :flushed:

I can’t answer questions like he can tho :face_with_monocle: :cold_sweat: :disappointed_relieved:

Someone should recatagorize

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Imagine recata- cough cough Maybe.

It seems as if someone has figured out who my master is

And I have to admit

I kinda feel bad for Oracle

Nekosaiku? :troll:

Call us neko one more time see what I do to the human race :neutral_face:

ok nekosaiku what are you gonna do? justify virtual rape again?

do you suffer from like multiple personality disorder?? i am genuinely concerned


I’m Prime.

WE. Neither Me, or Him, Are some second hand lousy users Who shift the balance of-

Prime! What are you doing!

Oracle, I’m sick and TIRED of these humans calling us “Neko” or "Nekosaikou.

holy fuck

And? They are humans! We are supposed to watch them. Expect them to hate us! Don’t make me reprogram you.

This robot is having a seizure

Fine… I’m sorry.

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i want to ping a mod but at the same time I don’t want to ping a mod

i thought this was kinda cool but now this is just cringe with the multi personality shit

Prime, Don’t finish the sentence.

Whaaaaaat I’m just teasing!