Hey- im new to trading and need some help

I am not trying to trade for something right here, I am new to trading, and need some help. How much do people generally take, or what specific items, for a sunken sword (any enchant)? I probably don’t have what it takes, but I have been playing WoM for a bit now, I just want a general idea.

typically clean sunken pieces or a headless head

Thanks, I have one more question though. Do any people trade good enchant boss drops, I have a lot of them. Would any of them work in trading?

wall of jericho is pretty valuable if clean or hard.

Strong Oath , Hard WoJ. I don’t know much about trading but those are the more valuable boss drops.

I have a strong oath, and 2 clean WOJ (Not all my items, but those of the ones you mentioned) Should I try to enchant one of the WOJ?

you should if you have 2.

Yes, if its not hard don’t even bother trying to trade it

@Misinput you lazy fucker didn’t bother answering this smh

Yes, but most likely only for bad enchant sunkens, but if you have 3 or 5 strong oaths though you could get some clean pieces.

Also here are some value lists to help you out in your journey :slightly_smiling_face:


People will accept clean boss drops/sunken too. That’s because they can enchant it themselves. It’s weird. A clean sunken sword is worth more than a hard sunken sword. As I said, it is weird.

A more direct question: The boss drops I have to trade are:
Nimble exiled armor, clean exiled armor, clean exiled helm, keen exiled helm, 3 clean exiled leggings, strong exiled leggings, hard mino chestplate, forceful mino leggings, hard mino helm, clean oath, hard oath, strong oath, strong vastira, 2 clean WOJ. Which of those could work?

You’d need to trade like 90% of your items (excluding the bad enchant stuff since bad ench boss armour is basically worthless) and you’d get like uhh a clean sunken boots maybe a chest piece if lucky, wouldn’t recommend doing that though.

clean exiled armor, clean exiled legs clean oath, strong oath, clean WoJ

That for what?

i meant those things are worth quite a bit.

And I could get what specifically with it?

That wouldn’t really get him any sunken pieces, just forceful pieces…

if you obtain hard WoJ then you can get clean sunken

I heard of somebody who traded strong vast and strong oath for a sunken sword…they were probably very lucky, but could something like that work, as I have both of those items (The strong oath and strong vast)

and oath