Updated Value List, Credits at the end

Revised Value List Before AO
Key. > More of these crocodile mouths means the value is farther apart.
>= Means the value is very close
Farther left it is, it’s commonly worth more despite the key.
Chestplate > Boot > Helmet
Crowns are WORTHLESS
Headless = S Sword > S Chestplate > S Boot >= S Helmet > Oathkeeper > Wo Jericho > Vastira > Exiled Armor > Minotaur Armor

Strong S Sword > Hard S Chestplate > Powerful S Chestplate >= Headless >= S Sword

Strong Oath > Heavy WoJ >= Oathkeeper >= Strong Vastira = Wo Jericho > Clean Vastira = Sturdy WoJ

Base Enchants
These are enchants that are normally the highest value when it comes to all items in the game.
Hard > Powerful > Bursting > Clean > Any Other Enchant > Forceful

Sunken Sword Strong > Clean > Swift > Hard
Sunken Armors Hard > Powerful > Bursting > Clean > Any Other Enchant > Forceful

Oathkeeper Strong > Clean > Swift > Hard
Wo Jericho Hard > Clean > Sturdy
Exiled Armors Hard > Powerful > Forceful > Clean > Any Other Enchant

Vastira Strong > Hard > Clean > Swift
Minotaur Armors Strong > Hard > Nimble > Powerful > Any Other Enchants > Forceful

By Leo EZ#1000, Xevenant#9779. End design and edits by MrNormalRubbish#1408 (I did pretty much everything)

link this to anyone who sends bad trades ez


Thank you papa box, now no need to bulli anyone who sends bad trades :nod: :pray:

Add value of Clean WoJ.

Mark this as “varies between traders” or something. Some people think Swift SS is worth more than Clean SS. Some think that Clean SS is worth more than Swift SS.
I personally believe Swift is worth more. Why don’t people just offer Clean SS’s for Swifts?

Other than that, gamer value list. I’ll be bookmarking this.

oops I forgot about that swift and clean are close in value

isn’t powerful enchant similar in value with hard enchant?

kinda not really

clean is better since you have 1/3 chance of getting strong or saving it for value, swift is just swift and swift does not really do much right now, and rising tide is hella easy to predict

not really since hard is a base enchant and more rare than powerful



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