so the “day 39” must allign sometime within Octopber 18th or 19th 1854
(dates from the dates on the quest screen)
also interesting fact, rackham’s journal (akrusius keep) is the only rare-graded journal out of the 4
This one can be quite obscure, however parts of it are well known:
- The Origin of Names,
Many names in AO and of course the past AA are based on Greek mythology, such as Prometheus and Poseidon. In AO different regions have groups of names which are common:
In Redwake people only have first names
On Cirrus island there are a few close knit families with names fittingly based off the sky.
At Ravenna there are a lot of Roman(?) inspired names, and the whole area usually has Roman sounding names.
Going even deeper, especially in AA we can find names which seem to be inspired by other works of fiction, Durza is quite well known to be a name which possibly originated from Christopher Paolini’s Inheritance Cycle. This goes the same for Alalea, which is a location also in the books. Most of the links to other works of fiction such as this however is just theory, and hasn’t been confirmed by Vetex.
Mayas starting a kingdom that were probably running into
According to the basic combat mentor people who have good energy sensing can all sense a large dark energy to the south which they call the aberration
Kai has some sort of secret he’s hiding
Harvest island might’ve been a sky island that fell since it has the same orange grass and leaves as cirrus
Lord ulcrius is Elius and carinas grandfather or something
Ulricus is their father i think
Post-quest, she mentions that if the player needs a place to settle down after they’re doing all their exploring and business, theyre welcome to join her empire. Seems to foreshadow where the player will go after the events of the main story…
Added The Myriad Books [Credit: @Ultimate]
Added Harvest Island previously being a sky island [Credit: @Maple]
Added Lord Ulcrius being Elius and Carrina’s Father [Credit: @Maple]
Combined [Ravenna’s Map Secret is from WOM] into [Certain Encrypted texts found in-game are from WOM]
I like to confirm the details myself and make sure i have a good understanding of the context before adding them. So some details might not show up in the list right away >-<
I’ll also be combining facts that aren’t too specific like how the the secret text is from WOM and now on Limestone and Ravenna.
Trying to keep everything organized and neat after all -w-
Oh yeah that statue on limestone was from wom iirc
location? i kinda forgot
near where you fight lady carina
i second the Harvest Island originally being in the sky theory, cause Djin Ruins looks like it cuts off, and its right above Harvest.
He used devourer during fight without wearing arcanium gloves so he probally become cloud curse user but went insane due to begin too weak to use it.
(Or he just had wrong build for it)
too weak???
the fcking menance that is Argos, THE Lion of Ravenna, is too weak to use one of the weaker curses ???
I think if Argos had the cloud curse he would’ve used it
(And also not taken any damage from falling rocks)
From what I know, the devourers make the curse pop out in front of you in cube form, and aren’t stored in the sword
Didnt it work like person who uses devourer on curse user gets curse?(i did storyline like 100 hours of gameplay ago)
Pro in the future you can do equip items or use spells to gain boosts in exchange for insanity or other debuffs for example magic arm/leg takes a limb away forever in exchange for better attack on spells and stuff you also get insanity 1 maybe in 3rd or 4th sea you can get like a op sword with good stats in exchange for a debuff
AA had a sword called the durandal when equipped it gave you creepy messages however no debuffs and in lore it was once some sort of holy blade now corrupted
It seems like maybe in the future you will have bosses activate some mode or push their limits which may kill them the due to the downsides of it or they pushed too hard
Thats why im turning into walking explosion aura soon.
(i hope there will be some magic weapons i can use as mage)