Hidden details in Arcane Odyssey

Kai is secretly one of the founders of the ASS

what translations

cant believe he founded the ass

Devourers prevent a curse holders curse from flying away if they are killed, the cube is technically absorbed by the blade but then its almost immediately shot back out to where the holder died.

Ok then I have no more ideas why Argos had red eyes. Only possible thing i see there is just devourer making him insane

(I think vetex was once talking about things that give you buff and insanity)

I just though it was something related to his strength or the fact he was pissed

He is actually the Red Corner not The Red Sabre

in some parts of the game there are cryptic runes, which can be decoded into english letters
vetex nukes people from orbit if they post translations/translation keys (which is why there is a few discords)

A note on the devourer thing - Although Ren makes it seem that devourers make the curse of whoever killed whilst impaled by it form as the cube, Argos still takes the Devourer out of Berlinger before his death, suggesting that he had already extracted the curse in some way.

idk if this counts but bleeding potion can summon shark

it isnt mention anywhere ingame ( i think? ) so i think it worth mentioning

We raise our foot (stomp) higher the stronger our magic leaps are.
My first magic leap:
Screenshot 2023-07-23 131926
My second magic leap:

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thank you for this absolute goldmine

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