Hiring All Villains! - Chapter 22

< Chapter 21

“Now that the monster is out of the way, try lifting me up. When I got up there, I managed to see that there’s a big enough opening to walk across, but it’s still pretty low.” Once Koyl managed to reach the top of the maze thanks to Nico, Nico elevated himself up as well with his telekinesis.

“Now, which way to go?” Koyl looked around, but all he saw was an empty plain of brown, hardened dirt. Nico pointed to the ground, trying to catch Koyl’s attention. “Ah, that’s right. The lines of the ground seem to be going to the side, meaning it was emitted in that direction. The opening could be either to our right or to our left. But where?”

Without a blink, Nico headed into the left direction, leaving Koyl behind. “Your hunch better be right about this, or we’re gonna have to walk all the way over to the other side!” Nico waved his hand, signaling to follow him.

“Hopefully, if we find Nathan Ross, we might be able to take this all down.” Koyl assured. Nico nodded in agreement. “Maybe knocking him out will do the trick?” While walking, Koyl waved his sword around in the air slowly in a playful motion. As they continued, they passed multiple bright light bulbs that were connected with the ceiling of the training room.

Near the end of their eventful walk, they reached a ledge that was way high up from above ground, too far for comfort. Once they had looked over the edge, that is when they found Nathan Ross right in front of the maze. He sat calmly against a wall, reading a small book that he seemed to be interested in.

“That’s him alright, what should we do?” Koyl asked. Afterwards, Nico proceeded to weave multiple hand signs in order to explain how their plane would be executed. When he was done, Koyl smiled. “I like that idea, you’re pretty smart.” Nico became flustered by the compliment.

“Okay, let’s get this over with and take this maze down.” Koyl proceeded to walk backwards a couple steps in order to get a running start. His sword was well equipped at his side and he braced himself for the fall he was about to go down. “Your telekinesis better slow down this fall!” Koyl then started to run, jumping off of the top edge of the maze that was constructed.

Before Koyl managed to touch the ground, Nico used his abilities once more to slow down the swordsman’s fall. As he landed, Nathan paused in his reading. To his surprise, a man was falling out of the sky, right from the top of the maze.

“This is unexpected.” Nathan reluctantly closed his book, hoping to at least have gotten a couple more pages in. Koyl made it to the ground safely thanks to Nico, but now he had a new objective to complete.

“Nathan, take the maze down. There’s no point in doing this.”

“Why so? What if I prefer not to?”

“We’re all a team here. There’s no reason for your team to go about attacking the rest of the DVP. This is completely uncalled for.”

“We like to have a little fun, that’s all. Besides, I don’t really care about all this, I’m just doing this because Connor wanted to.”

“If you don’t care, then you would kindly take down the wall.”

“No thanks, I’m good.” Nathan sat back down, opening back up his book and continued to read. He sat so comfortably that it slightly aggravated Koyl. Just as he was turning to the next page, Koyl reached out his sword and made one big dash towards him. His sword was fuming with heat, and was directly straight towards Nathan.

Before Koyl could have the chance to reach him, Nathan emitted a wall of earth directly between the two of them. Surprisingly to Nathan though, Koyl happened to pierce through the thick wall just enough that the tip of his sword faintly seared a corner of the book. “That book was a limited edition, you know!” From underneath him, Nathan elevated himself further up into the air using a pillar of earth. Just as he was about to continue his attack, he found himself being pushed off of his own pillar, but there was nobody around him.

To break his fall, he emitted another pillar with a wall close by, hurting his back in the process. “Ugh, how did you do that!” Nathan yelled.

“It wasn’t me, Nathan. It was him.” Koyl then proceeded to point behind his back, revealing the marvelous Nico now levitating behind him.

“I’m having enough of this!” At a first glance, Nathan seemed to be a more calmed down individual. As the fight continued, he seemed to become more and more aggravated by the second. The man seemed to be approaching in a full rage, and Nico and Koyl did not want to be the aftermath of it.

“Mr. Ross, it appears that you seem quite angry. Is everything alright?” All three of them became surprised, there was only one individual who had that form of speech, Mr. Almondo. From the entrance of the training room, the head of the DVP purposely made sure to make his steps loud in the large, now relatively silent room. Crashes and booms could be heard in the distance, but not even a human with super-hearing could hear the three villains move a single muscle.

“Mr. Almondo, we were j-just training together… for practice.” Nathan became nervous in speech, stuttering every few words.

“You would dare lie to me, Mr. Ross? I hope that you haven’t forgotten that there is surveillance in this room, so I know exactly what you have been up to. Now, would you like to try that again?”

Chapter 23 >

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