Hiring All Villains! - Chapter 24

< Chapter 23

Connor had just managed to finally meet the villains face to face once again. It was quite strange that another villain was with the trio, an old man especially, but that didn’t matter to him as defeating them all was one of the same. What was most odd about this situation was that all of the villains stood behind Ethan. There was an apparent confidence to Ethan that Connor did not see before now; it startled him.

“Come to give up already? I was just about to have fun too! You people always gotta ruin it.” Connor stationed his gorilla towards one of the sides of the maze wall. After dismounting his shadow-beast gorilla, he slowly approached them, prepared to brawl.

“I think you have it wrong, Connor. It’s you who needs to give up.” Connor began to laugh in front of Ethan’s face. After he was done enjoying himself, he made sure to spit on his shoes with high precision. He tapped his foot twice, this time spawning a shadow that hadn’t really had any distinguishable features. The monster was just about to slice his large arm through him, when suddenly Ethan wasn’t in sight. For a good second, everyone looked around to search for Etham, but to no avail.

The monster stopped right in its tracks, appearing to not be able to move at all. Loudly, a burst of energy exploded right through the beats’ stomach, nearly decimating into thin air instantly. Connor looked over his shoulder to see Ethan standing menacingly towards him. “W-What kind of power is this? You weren’t able to do that before!” Connor became hesitant, taking a few steps backwards.

Connor had then bumped into Bingwu, with the old man greeting himself. “Hi, I’m Bingwu.”

“What did you do! How was he able to gain so much power! Was it you? It must be… give it to me! Give me the extra power, I want it now!” The villain became enraged that he wasn’t the most powerful in the room. He had only accepted that only one other person was stronger than him, the leader of Team Black, Jerricho Perses. Filled with anger, the criminal took a strong jab towards Bingwu’s chest, knocking the frail man down to the floor.

“That’s it, I’ve about had it with you today! This is why I hate men so much!” Amelia yelled out.

“What was that, man? That was totally uncalled for!” Orion retaliated.

Connor began to laugh. His laughter wasn’t the average smirking laugh that he would do. No, he was hysterical. “Welcome to the real world, people! How hilarious to see you all coming to that walking grave’s defense!”

Ethan sped right across the maze to grab Connor by his jacket, aggressively. He was about prepared to pierce through his face in order to get revenge for Bingwu, but he saw the old man get up by himself to disagree with what Ethan was doing. “No, young man. What you are prepared to do is wrong, nor is it just. In life, once you are elevated, you must never come back down to the level of your enemies. Don’t do this.”

Ethan stopped for a second to reconsider his decisions. He was about ready to kill Connor, yet he hadn’t even thought about the possible implications or considered if what he was about to do was the right thing. He was clouded in anger, and the extra power went too far into his head. “You’re right.” Ethan slowly put his arm down, now releasing Connor.

“You all make me sick! You guys really call yourselves villains?! You’re all murderers, killers, thiefs, gang bosses, everything under the sun! Now you want to live in la-la-land and live happily with cotton candy and rainbows? Forget that! I’m sick of everything, I’m sick of all of you!” Everyone else in the room had nothing to say, they all remained silent. “Alright. Fine by me.”

Connor went about to walk away down the dark maze, alone. When he was out of view, the rest of the group came to each other’s aid to see if they were all alright. Bingwu started to cough once again, this time heavier than the last. “Young people, I’m quite alright. Nothing I haven’t experienced before.” Bingwu wanted to laugh, but his laugh was replaced with another cough.

From the distance, in the dark, a loud laugh could be heard echoing throughout the maze. “You really thought I would just walk away? You all know that’s not within my character!” One large shadow spike started to hurl towards the group of four. Ethan could probably manage to escape in time, but the others wouldn’t have any time left to get away. They just weren’t quick enough.

Reacting with speed, Ethan launched himself further in front of the group. By the time he was gone, the others didn’t even have time to react. Once he was far away enough, Ethan stood still with open arms; straight in the trajectory of the spike. Just when the spike was close to skewering him, a large, gaping hole appeared in the middle of the maze wall. A second later, another hole parallel to the other appeared on the opposite end of the maze hall. The spike was also gone too, but it was unknown as to what exactly caused the holes in the first place.

Once everyone reacted in time, they ran over to see what could cause a large hole. Even Connor was curious, jogging over to see what caused it. From the distance, the group could see a series of holes all aligned perfectly with one another; all of them going through the maze. At the end of the whole sequence, they could see two figures standing besides each other. More heads started to pop out as villains were also curious as to what happened with the maze.

A deep yell could be heard from one of the figures at the end. Although they could barely see who it was, they knew exactly who was yelling just by the way he spoke. “Mr. Salem, come over here right this instance!” Connor begun to sneak away, but Ethan managed to grab him and speed down the maze in order to bring him to Mr. Almondo.

“Ah, Mr. Dukes. Thank you for the delivery. Mr. Salem, on the other hand, I am disappointed that my eyes are even laying upon such a pitiful being. We have a lot to discuss. This is the moment where you get up and walk in shame towards my office. You too, Mr. Ross!” Connor looked ahead of him to see Nathan sitting against the wall, somewhat looking defeated.

Koyl and Nico walked up towards Ethan and patted him on the back. Tired, Ethan bent down to rest his hands on his knees. “Hey, Mr. Almondo?” Koyl asked.

“Yes, Mr. Sin?”

“Who exactly is that woman next to you?” Standing next to Mr. Almondo stood a tall woman with pale skin and had a tied up hair bun with silky brown hair. She seemed to be dressed up in cargo pants and a tank top. Her most notable features were her eyepatch over one of her eyes, and also seemed to be smoking a very bulky cigar.

“Oh, Ms. Orlova? This here is one of the new members of the DVP for our new 2nd Division. She traveled all the way from Russia to accompany us in our department.” Mr. Almondo slightly smiled a bit, reaching his lips over his coffee cup.

The woman slowly lifted her cigar away from her mouth, blowing out a large puff of smoke into the air. “My name is Mila Orlova of new 2nd Division. Annoy me, you end up like pig in slaughterhouse.”

Chapter 25 >

Now I wna write a rival series titled “Hiring All Heroes!”