Hiring All Villains! - Chapter 25

< Chapter 24

“Division 2?” Koyl reaffirmed. “So, there’s a whole new division just like us?”

“Correct, Mr. Sin. Ms. Orlova will go through the same type of training and testing that the previous division, you all, had to go through. Although, there will be slight adjustments.”

Heels could be heard echoing throughout the entrance, nearly similar to the sound that Mr. Almondo’s steps made. It appeared that loud footsteps were quite popular at the training room today. This time, Wanda appeared from the entrance of the training room, this time following up with what Mr. Almondo had said previously. “This time around, we wanted to make sure that we collected our villains from outside of the United States. You know, to spice things up a bit.”

“So wait, you’re telling me that you collected people for the DVP that aren’t even American and will fight in America? What kind of institution is this?” Koyl wondered.

“One where we think outside the box, Mr. Sin. You see, after some extensive research, I realized a characteristic within our society that a lot of Americans don’t like; foreigners. You see, the world is corrupted by racism and xenophobia, a large portion withheld here in the states. Why not further these preconceived stereotypes in order to tap into the true power of hatred by the American people? By having foreign villains rummaging through the streets, destroying cities and homes, the unity of the American people will strengthen even more! It’s splendid, isn’t it?”

“I- I guess so…” Koyl wasn’t really too sure about the whole objective the DVP was into. To him, especially because he wasn’t from the U.S. originally, this plan seemed like it would worsen feelings within the American people.

“Ms. Orlova here is from Russia, a well-known conflicting country with the United States. We also managed to bring in some people from Mexico, China, Pakistan, Iraq, and plenty more. We also hired someone from South Korea, but to Americans, North and South Korea are practically the same thing! It’s genius!” Mr. Almondo seemed ecstatic about the whole concept.

“You really wanted to diversify this time, didn’t ya?” Nathan scoffed from the wall he laid against.

“They also are quite loyal to the cause, unlike some people within the room.” Mr. Almondo replied back.

Nico went up to the large Russian woman in order to properly greet her. He put his hand out as if he wanted a handshake. The woman was quite confused as to what Nico was attempting to do. “Are you cigar boy? Here.” Strangely enough, the woman tapped the cigar and the end of it mysteriously disappeared. She turned Nico’s hand around in order to place the cigar on the palm of his hand and walked off.

“So, Mila Orlova… What kind of ability do you have?” Ethan asked.

The Russian woman began to glare down at Ethan as if he were inferior, taking a couple seconds of silence before she responded. “The type of ability to put you near Ventilator.” There was a frightening silence in the room. Ethan wasn’t sure how he would respond to such a comment. The woman laughed and her deep bass was noticeable. “I joke with you. I do not have such ability that affect human or animal, just anything not alive.”

“Ah, so only inanimate objects.”

The woman was confused as she wasn’t sure what that word meant. She looked over to Mr. Almondo for help, in which he returned a head nod. “Sure, little boy.” Ethan seemed a bit annoyed by that comment. “I wish I had lollipop for you, little boy. You seem very adorable like my nephews who fight bear in snowy forest.” Ethan wasn’t sure if that was a compliment, but he was still annoyed by the ‘little boy’ comment.

“I’m not a little boy!” Ethan yelled out.

The large woman took a leap back as if she was ready to attack. “Careful, little boy. I may not be able to hurt human with my ability, but I still experienced in killing many people.”

Ethan then grabbed the cigar that the woman gave earlier to Nico and reignited it with his electricity. He then swiftly gave it to the woman, horrified. “Well why didn’t you say so Ms. Orlova, haha.”

The woman took back her cigar and put it back upon her lips. “Now that’s more like it, little boy.”

Mr. Almondo let out a slight chuckle. “It appears that Ms. Orlova is quite the character, don’t you think? Now, if you’ll excuse us, we must get going. Will the rest of you tell the rest of the villains what transpired here? I have to go take Ms. Orlova here back to her division, while also taking care of these two in my office. Have a good day, everyone.”

Just like that, Mr. Almondo, Wanda, Nathan and Connor, and the new Ms. Orlova was out of the training room. It was quite the hectic day, so everyone in the room became quite tired from the whole maze fiasco. Even if they did get some training done out of it, the whole experience was a bit scary for some. The question on most of the villains minds, though, were what a new division to the Department of Villainous Propaganda would bring.

Chapter 26 >


very interesting so far, also pretty unique.

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