Hiring All Villains! - Chapter 26

< Chapter 25

“You ever feel as though this whole DVP thing is moving a bit too fast?” Amelia asked. For today, Amelia, Kevin, Orion, and Nico sat around the lunch table eating the same meal: a burger, fries, a cookie, and a cup of water. “It’s been only half a year and they’re already introducing a whole new division!”

“Well, Mr. Almondo is a busy man. He wants to get as many villains as possible so that he can do missions widespread throughout the country. The end goal is 50 villains, after all.” Kevin decided to just eat his burger but without the top bun. He split the bun into two, passing it to both Nico and Orion to eat.

“50 doesn’t even seem like a lot. I’d probably guess we’re going to have the numbers we need by another 6 months. Hey, maybe even 4.” Orion replied while continuously eating his burger.

Nico had fries in his mouth so that they would look like teeth.

“Everyone, come here! You have to take a look at this. Mr. Almondo is going to be so happy when he discovers this!” The other assistant of Mr. Almondo, Frederick, came out with a golden suit and tie, while also wearing golden shoes.

“What’s the special occasion, Fred?” Alpha yelled from the other end of the lunchroom.

“Oh this? I lost a bet, but that’s besides the point. Take a look at this!” Fred then slammed multiple newspapers onto one of the tables, villains coming over to see what he was talking about.

“Can we popcorn read?” Alpha asked politely.

“Alpha, you’re like 25. C’mon, dude.” Fred responded.

Kevin picked up one of the newspapers and went back over to where the rest of Team Blue were sitting. “No way, this can’t be?”

“What is it, Kevin?” Amelia wondered.

“There are a reported number of newly formed superhero agencies in order to handle the recent uptick in villains. Mr. Almondo is going to love this, it’s what he always wanted!”

Amelia snatched the newspaper from Kevin’s hands. “There’s also multiple companies that are investing into superhero teams as well. Some of these companies don’t even seem like they’ll be interested in this type of stuff. Look at this list: Microsoft, Apple, McDonalds, Amazon, Tesla, and… Gerber Baby Foods?”

“I’m sure not many companies are actually concerned, they just want to be doing it because other companies are doing it.” Orion responded. “My dad was a marketing manager, so I know these types of things.”

As Amelia handed over the newspaper, Nico and Orion loomed over the pages while continuously eating their lunch. Nico pointed to one story within the newspaper, in which Orion called out to the rest of the group. “Oh hey, guys, there seems to be this mysterious artifact that was stolen at a New York museum recently. Unfortunately, the article doesn’t go into depth into what the artifact actually is.”

“Terrible journalism.” Kevin chimed in.

“So, what do you guys think about the new division? They haven’t really done anything yet, but I hear that they’re really powerful and are just finishing up training. Speaking of which, now that I think about it, we haven’t really had new missions as of late.” Amelia said.

“That’s because Almondo is waiting for something to happen.” A mysterious voice from behind them said. As the group turned around, they saw that one of the top 5 members within their division was standing right behind them, Catalina Garcia (#3).

“Oh, Catalina, what are you doing here?” Kevin asked. With Catalina being 3rd within their division, she was just behind Kevin in terms of ranking.

“I heard the news, so I just had to come and see it for myself.” Catalina had a really bright red lipstick on her lips, and it was shaped like a heart. Both her skin and hair were a dark tan, with her hair being quite short and frizzy.

“Since you’re here, Catalina, your team doesn’t really interact with the rest of us. I mean, even Team Black had tried to injure us a couple days ago.” Amelia pondered.

“We don’t have time, that’s all. As Team Green’s leader, I pride myself in making sure my teammates are well off in which they could fight on their own. After all, what’s the point in being a villain if you don’t have the power of one.”

“I guess you have a point there.” Orion joined in.

“Well, it appears that I have to go take care of some business. If Almondo asks about me, just say that I went to the grocery store or something.” Catalina brought some of her hair behind her ear.

“Uh, so where are you actually going then? We won’t cover for you unless we know.”

“Since you’re so curious, I actually have a date with someone. I can’t be locked up in this place for long or I’ll go mad.”

“Wait, I thought DVP members weren’t allowed to freely leave the facility?” Orion asked.

“Top 3 members of each division are able to leave freely; read the handbook, darling. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get ready for my date.” Catalina then walked off from the table to the direction of the exit of the lunchroom.

“I wonder if he’s considered dreamy?” Orion asked.

“Not our business, don’t care.” Kevin reached over to Orion in order to grab back the newspaper so that he could continue reading.

Under her breath, Catalina Garcia murmured something that no one else could hear. “Retribution is coming. I’ll make sure to get revenge on all of you for your sins…”

Chapter 27 >


I got a good chuckle out of that one…

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