Hiring All Villains! - Chapter 28

< Chapter 27

Writer’s Note: There wasn’t a chapter last week as I had some really important tests that week. There probably won’t be another chapter next week as that is my Finals Week. That being said, enjoy the chapter!

“Before I introduce Division 2, I want to talk about the general idea as to how this institution was brought about in the first place. Many years ago in my youth, I started out as an agent for the FBI. As I gradually rose through the ranks, quite quickly considering my age, I wanted to serve a better purpose for the world. The international ordeal of superpowers started to become out of hand, and I wanted to balance that out. A lot of you may not be aware of this, but I was good friends with the current President during our days in the FBI. We have a sort of similar wavelength when it comes to our goals.”

Many people in the room were quite surprised by this reveal, mostly the office staff. There were a lot of general questions and comments that were whispered at that moment in the room. “Mr. Almondo knows some powerful people.” “Did you know about this?” “How many connections does the DVP truly have?” “Why wasn’t there a breakfast buffet?”

“So, once the current President was elected, he called me in for a job offer I just couldn’t refuse; the DVP. Now, the United States can’t simply make a whole secret department unbeknown to the public. With some help from a portion of congressional members, we were able to get our secret institution up and running. Now, present day, the DVP has existed for over half a year now. Thank you all, this couldn’t have been done without you.” The whole room started to clap for the head of the department. Fred seemed a bit butthurt in the corner of the room since he was unable to get much applause at all.

“Now, I welcome you all to meet this new division of the DVP, a turning stone from where we first started. Concerning Division 2, I spoke with both Wanda, Fred, and some important federal officials to discuss the matter of who we wanted a part of this new division. No offense, Division 1, but when we first began, we were not entirely sure of the type of people who we wanted to accept. Your division was more of an experimental division, but you’re still a great portion of our department.” Some of the villains started to look at each other.

“With this new division, you will notice that there aren’t many ‘Americans’ within the division’s ranks. This was done intentionally. You see, with the problem of racism and negative stereotypes within our nation, there has always been watchful eyes over those who are not originally from here. By gathering villains across the world who are foreigners, the hatred against the term ‘villain’ will grow tremendously. Of course, this may arise some cultural problems inside of the United States, but it’s only natural for that problem to sort that out in the near future. Now that I’m done with that, let me officially welcome Division 2 to the DVP.”

Suddenly, a line of exactly 17 people walked onto the stage. The look on their faces were menacing, and it was definitely apparent as to who wasn’t considered American by their clothing and mannerisms. Mr. Almondo started to pick back up his speech once again. “Now, similarly to Division 1, I had conducted a test to determine and analyze more of their abilities and rankings within the division. More onto that is my assistant, Wanda.”

Wanda then took the microphone from Mr. Almondo. The special characteristic about Wanda is that she always made sure to dress up, but for today she decided to go the extra mile. “Thank you, Mr. Almondo. I’m sure plenty of you know who I am already, and for our new Division 2, I hope I get to know more of you. Now, I will call your names and teams and give out who the top 5 of your division is. Once I assign you, please step over to the side of the stage that is aligned with the color given to you.” On the stage sat five different flags with various colors: White, Magenta, Red, Indigo, and Purple.

“Here are the teams:

Team Red

Correy Tessant (#2)

Yusef Ahmed (#3)

Rasheed Sultan

Karim Ahmed

Team Purple

Lawson Lucci (#4)

U-Jin Mun

Mahmod Najm

Team Magenta

Mila Orlova (#5)

Diesel Wiesel

Chun Shen

Anuli Okafor

Team White

George Washington

Agafon Petrov

Sunan Saetang

Team Indigo

Alexander Cooper (#1)

Zhi Li

Okoro Okeke”

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You write weekly?

Either way, I wish you good luck with your finals. Centrifugal part of your career, it is.