Hiring All Villains! - Chapter 27

< Chapter 26

“All these new people are going to turn my brain into mush. How am I supposed to remember all of them?!” Orion complained while walking down the hall. Team Blue was on their way for a mandatory meeting that all members of the DVP were to join, even the office workers who did everything behind the scenes. This was due to the fact that Division 2 had just finished training, meaning that Mr. Almondo was going to introduce them in front of the rest of the department.

Ever since Division 1 officially came into the DVP, there had been some renovations in the past 6 months in order to improve the building that the department was in. Compared to the small room that Division 1 was originally brought into, the DVP now had a whole assembly hall in order to greet the new division, as well as to hold any events in the future.

“Just remember the ones that you’re going to interact with the most, like us!” Amelia replied.

“Yeah, but we’re all in the same team. That’s completely different.” Orion responded back.

“Look, just remember as many members as you can. If Mr. Almondo has the ability to remember all of us, then I’m sure you can make an effort. Think of it like being a high school teacher; meeting hundreds of kids per year and having to remember each one of them. How bad could that be?” Lately, Kevin has been fulfilling his role more as the team leader. He was responsible for whatever the team did, so he made sure to maintain them on the right track.

“I guess you have a point there. So, what kind of people do you think are going to be in this new division anyway?” Amelia asked curiously.

“Well, Wanda and Mr. Almondo have been talking about how the people within the new division aren’t people that are originally from around here. I’m guessing maybe some countries that aren’t really aligned with the US?” By this time, the team had already arrived at the large assembly hall. Strangely enough, the hall had four very long tables, with two of the tables filled with name plates. Each plate had the name of one of the teams.

“Please, right this way.” A man in a black suit with slick blonde hair awaited the group at the front entrance of the fancy hall. He directed them with one of his arms, with another right behind his back.

Orion then began to slightly whisper behind Nico’s ear. “If I would’ve known it was this type of occasion, I would’ve dressed up.” Nico nodded in agreement, but he also seemed simultaneously preoccupied with how well decorated the large room was.

It seemed as though Team Blue was the second team to show up out of the five, with Team Green arriving first. Once they entered the hall, they noticed Catalina Garcia eyeing them from her section of one of the tables. They also laid their eyes upon the other members within Team Green; villains they’ve barely even seen before.

“What’s her problem?” Amelia whispered to the rest of the group. She clenched her fingers inwards toward the palms of her hand as if she were a cat. At any moment, she was ready to pounce.

“Her teammates seem… relatively normal.” Orion commented.

“You expect them to be in full supervillain costume?” Kevin joked. Once they were seated, thanks to the butler, they then awaited for the other teams to enter the hall. Team Pink was next to enter, with the entirety of Team Blue waving to Koyl and the others. Team Gold was directly after them. Team Gold had both Ethan and Bingwu within it; seemingly now becoming good friends. There was also another villain within the group, but they weren’t relatively known compared to the other two. Lastly, Team Black appeared. Their late arrival was already guessed by most of the people presiding in the room as they didn’t care about being tardy. Just their presence alone seemed menacing as the #1 villain of Division 1 walked directly in front of Nathan and Connor.

Once everyone was seated, Frederick, Mr. Almondo’s assistant, came out to welcome all the teams. “Welcome, everyone! I see that you all managed to arrive here for the introduction of our new Division 2!” It seemed as though Fred was waiting for some type of applause or excitement, but all that greeted him back was the feeling of ‘We don’t care.’

“Hehe- Well, today we have a full array of newbies joining our ranks into the DVP! First, let me just congratulate our DVP villains and office staff that have made it here! Without either of you guys, we definitely wouldn’t be the department that we are today!” Still, nobody even remotely replied with enthusiasm to Fred’s comment. The room was somewhat dead.

“Since I’m done with my segment here, I’m just going to let Mr. Almondo take it away from here! Everyone, I welcome the head of the DVP, Mr. Almondo!” Fred then clapped with his microphone still in hand. Luckily, this initiated some form of applause; at least from the office workers sitting at the other two tables in the room.

“Good morning, everyone. As you all are aware, there is a new division among the Department of Villainous Propaganda, the DVP. Hopefully, by the end of the year, we may just be able to finish up with a third division, which is our end goal. You see, with all of the complexities that arise within our world today, there are many reasons as to why I wanted to start this department for the United States in the first place.” Mr. Almondo then started to walk across the stage with his microphone in hand. On his other hand laid a silver mug filled to the near brim with coffee. He first took a sip, then continued on with his speech.

Many years ago…

Chapter 28 >

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I hate not having forum likes for these stories.

They’re really well written.

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