Hiring All Villains! - Chapter 3

< Chapter 2

“Now, as you know, you all already have the superpowers necessary to begin our goal. All we have to do now is teach you all how to do your jobs.” Mr. Almondo then looked around the room to each of the new subjects.

A girl with messy red hair stood up from her chair. “What do you mean by how to do our jobs? I’ve killed countless men on the street so I’m quite experienced in the profession!”

“Ms. Amelia, I’ve read about you. You’re known for your serial killings against only men; I’m quite frightened to just be in your presence. Well, all of you have shown promising signs of a great villain. The problem is that measly murders every few months will not suffice for what we are planning. In fact, we are even thinking of creating full teams to maximize our success.”

Amelia then continued to stand up, but slowly began to slouch back down onto her chair. “You know Mr. Almondo, you’re quite messed up yourself for being in charge of such plans.”

“It requires a certain type of man to be in my position. Not anyone is suited for the role that I play. Though I’m not experienced in murders, I have had my hand in the cookie jar once or twice. Now, we have personal trainers to help train you all in destructive attacks. You will be provided with any weapons or accessories you may need in your possession. The plan was for training to take about 2 months, but due to recent events, it will have to be minimized to almost 4 weeks.”

Another of the subjects began to ask a question. “Mr. Almondo, what exactly will you be doing in the meantime?”

“I hope you’re not implying something, because if so, I would have to treat you to a specialized lesson. Don’t get it twisted, I am a busy man and there is already a lot on my plate as the head of this secret department. Concerning this matter, I will be organizing potential teams as well as arranging places for our terrorist attacks. Cities such as New York or Los Angeles would greatly help with getting attention from heroes.”

“Mr. Almondo. I rather like attention so I find this plan to be no problem! You have my full support.”

“Thanks, though I never asked for it. This attention that we’re after is good and all, but I fear that many downsides will come with it.”

“Mr. Almondo, you’ve never told me of such possibilities.”

“Oh, sorry Wanda. I found it to be better to not waste time and just discuss it here in front of everyone. You see, by the time a few attacks will come out, our heroic American citizens will no doubt group together. I fear that even public organizations will come about for the sole destruction of our villains. In fact, I even believe that they are even starting now.”

Lots of the subjects looked around at each other. Wanda and Frederick were even surprised by the possibilities that Mr. Almondo was speaking of. “Mr. Almondo, whatever do you mean?”

“What I mean is this. As you know, the President of the United States, as well as many other politicians, were attacked earlier today in a coordinated attack. In fact, the Governors of both Ohio and Illinois have been kidnapped and their whereabouts are currently unknown. The bad thing about this whole situation isn’t really the attacks themselves, but the reason as to why it happened. To the average person, it may seem like a blatant attack against our government officials, but it has come to my attention that it has become far worse.”

“How worse can it get?” Another subject chimed in.

“I know, this attack seems like it’s already at its peak in reasoning.” Another commented.

“The DVP is a secret organization, but there are still many people who are aware of its existence. This includes the President, Vice President, Attorney General, and many other government servants. It seems to appear that for every single politician who was attacked, they backed up our organization and its goal. Of course, not every one of them were attacked, but it is imperative that this attack was on purpose against the DVP and its cause.”

Many of the subjects in the room began to look at each other. Some of them didn’t know the full repercussions that being a part of this mission would bring. “Well if there’s a whole other organization against us, I don’t think I can be a part of this!”

Mr. Almondo then began to laugh. “Fine, you can go out and leave. The door is just over there.” Almondo then pointed straight to the door to the meeting room. “Just recognize the place that you’re in right now. The DVP is a secret organization, and we plan on keeping it that way if you know what I’m saying.”

“You can’t do that! What kind of place are you running here!”

“Please. You know what we do, and we plan on doing it well. The second you signed up is the second you signed away your life.”

The subject then began to get up from his seat. An aura around his hands were beginning to emanate and electricity began to shock around his fists violently. Mr. Almondo looked surprised by the braveness of the man, who even thought to potentially assault him. “Now Mr. Dukes, I sure do hope you’re not planning on doing anything. I may not have physical power like the rest of you, but I do have a different type of power in which you all don’t have. It’s called influence. You may kill me here, but my subordinates will surely know what to do after my death. They will make sure that both you, your families, your friends, and everyone you were ever close to, will be tortured and die a quite miserable death. Though I may not be alive, I will enjoy every second of the possibility of agony you will face. Now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk about retirement benefits!”

Chapter 4 >


i’ve gotten 2 files to -7,000 do you want to hire me :pleading_face:

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