Hopes for the Future Story for Arcane Odyssey

very old AA lore

100% retconned if its that fucking old

That definitely doesn’t apply anymore, all of them die instantly

Maybe the size of the explosion could depend on their power though :man_shrugging:

I just hope there wouldnt be any stupid moment that doesn’t make any sense lore wise and have more side story like Edward Kenton and Enizor.

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yeah it is old lore cause from what i remember weaker curse users just got paralyzed, sunk, and drowned while stronger ones just blew up

that explain why Morock The Hound of the gods who is Promethean curse user
instantly die when his body touch seawater

and Promethean curse is one of Grand fire curse and it strongest sea curse

yeah, only the strongest ones went boom

You completely misunderstood what I said, the amount of magic power in a curse only affects HOW horribly they die, not WHY they die. Which is again, because their bodies are made of magic that conflicts with magic seawater

It doesn’t matter how much magic power you have, unless your BODY is made of magic the sea won’t affect you

But it’s exactly the same thing? We story magic energy inside of us, Curse users store so much they are that energy, it’s 100% a quantity thing, or else it makes no sense

curse users are made of it, they don’t store it
they get imbued with it

magic users just store it in their minds, which contain the magics

Incorrect, vetex stated every human has magic INSIDE of them, wich explains why they can be harmed by it

No it is not. They don’t “store so much they become that energy” otherwise, multiple mages (like theos) who have MORE magic power than curse users would also be able to shift into an element

while I agree with your arguement, what is this screenshot bro-


I second, “what is this screenshot bro-”

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my safety scissors take better screenshots than that

It wasn’t what I meant, I forgot a comma, they store so much because they are that energy but they still store it since a curse user can get tired

Ignore the shittily cropped image please

While that is true, it still does not ignore that the major deciding factor of why they are affected would be because their bodies are made up of magic. Because (like i have said before), mages with as much or more magic power than curse users such as theos or argestes would also succumb to sea water as well

I thought its some kind of style, lmao…