Hopes for the Future Story for Arcane Odyssey

It’s mainly answer 1, fighting styles and weapons were planned to use stamina but this was changed so players didn’t have to worry about managing their stamina consumption as much

I’m aware

so in lore do fighting styles take the general energy stat or stamina

rare banana being a smart person moment (you are so real for this)

Lore-wise they would consume stamina as opposed to energy

Give me some examples

also i just realized this man just really hates magic :sob:

AO to turn into a blox fruits bandit beater halfway into the story because vetex quit the game after the community starts bullying him for not following his newly made twice a day update schedule (changed it from once a day because ppl were complaining abt updates too slow) and released the code and script and whatever

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If your talking about me, i like magic a lot, when its properly done. If your talking about Vetex, i dunno bout that since he made a game about magic

I hope our actions actually have concequences. So far the merciless atribute only seems to make us kill bosses. The NPCs around us don’t even have any change. I know the Kingdom Alignment is coming soon but story-wise I hope we actually get some sort of burden or regret.

Also I find it funny that no one was suspicious that we are the ones that killed Calvus, Morden said we are mercernaries and everyone believes us.

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I would say that it’s not that far-fetch but yeah we got “lucky”

That makes me wonder, why are they unaffected? Theyre basically just as magically charged at a weak Curse user so even if they dont explode the water should at least weaken them

The body is still human, even if it’s magically supercharged. Unless the person’s body fully shifts into a magic element they won’t be affected

The reason Curse usera are affected is because their Magic energy conflicts with the ocean’s

Yeah and that’s also because their body is made out of pure magic , otherwise this would be a weakness of mages as well. Undead beings are powered by magic but they are still flesh and blood, therefore, no matter how magically supercharged the ocean cannot affect them.

I’d like to see where the part about Undead being flesh and blood powered by Magic was found. To my knowledge we know next to nothing on how Dead Revival Magic worked.
Also it was stated every living being has magic inside of them, but it’s too weak to be affected by the magic pollution, Mages can use that energy, Curse users have too much, Peacekeeper should probably be between the two.

It would make 0 sense if magic polluted seawater didn’t harm people because “their magic power was too weak” when there are mages with more magic power than curse users who are still completely unaffected by seawater. Again, the only reason curse users are affected by seawater is because their bodies are literally made of magic. Nothing to do with how much magic they actually have

magic was used to repair and restart them but they still function like people. likewise mages simply manipulate magic, but curse users are infused with it so they get hurt from seawater

That’s false since the curse user’s reaction to seawater depends on their strenght, they don’t all instantly explode.

good sir where the fuck is this information from