Hopes for the Future Story for Arcane Odyssey

I don’t get it. If they have dialogue options and all of them (though most of the time there is only 1) involve speaking, then aren’t they not a silent protagonist?

The MC does say things on their own

The dialogue options can sometimes serve as a look into AO MC’s mindset. Look at their dialogue options for when they first arrive at Redwake, two of the dialogue options when responding to why they’re in Redwake say “Uh, I dont know” and “I was told to come here”, which strongly aligns with what they say much later in the story where they said that they felt very lost after losing their memory.

Sometimes, the dialogue options reveal that this MC is quite… well, someone with hubris, lets just say. When a guard revealed that everyone now knows that they infiltrated Fort Talos, the only two dialogue options are literally taunts. “Try screaming for help then.” and “Sure, bring them all here, I can beat them on my own” (reminder that Morden legit told them they cannot defeat everyone on their own, lmao)

Even side quests hints at it when you look at dialogue options in Forest of Cerunno, the MC sounding weirdly confident about beating everyone there. It’s kinda a running theme actually, as early as Redwake where they fought the pirates after literally coming out of a near death escape, to offering to beat up the Frost Brigands.

The one time they didnt was actually at Shura’s fight, in which the objective was to escape lmao. Probs where it all started.

It makes sense though, given that the main story implied that all side quests, MC does them, as one part of the story requires you to visit a location only found through a side quest (the Ancient Hall). And a lot of the quests that exists are outright crazy (Like Maya’s Fortified Ship Sinking Quest)

It’s probs their biggest character flaw as well, and funnily enough, hubris is in fact, the fatal flaw of most greek heroes.

There’s also even subtler hints of their personality through actions instead like MC defying what Ren and Beringer told them to do, which was to escape and instead went looking for General Argos, which was probably out of spite. There’s also the part that MC literally straight up went to Ravenna Castello like Carina taunted them into doing (which again, hurbis). Its just very subtle, but they exist


That’s a gameplay abstraction to move a cutscene along.

And yeah, this is true, and direct dialogue would do a lot to cement your character traits, but that wouldn’t be good for a game where you make choices that affect the story in major ways.

And as I said above, the dialogue options can already do a decent amount of characterisation, just gotta pay attention to them. I probably do need to reread some dialogues to see what other stuff that I missed, Im only remembering some notable ones. And also pay attention to what MC is trying to do in the moment like quest objectives and how that contrasts to what people told them to do.

As far as I can see, they can be pretty defiant at times, not just following people’s orders all the time (and Im pretty sure the following stuff was just cause of their amnesia)

I remember there was some NPC Quest (from Frostmile and Ravenna I think), we had two dialogs to choose from when we talking with them,
“I can help you with that.” and “Pay me first then I help you.” or something similar like that. This makes me believe there is part of our MC does REALLY LIKE Galleon so much, I guess that is one of MC’s characteristics too LMAOOO

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Those dialogues are very present in Redwake side quests only for some reason. Any side quests after, they don’t appear anymore. I havent seen what happens when you only choose those dialogues in Redwake tho.

There’s two possible explanation, one, MC actually does stuff in the expectation of something in return (which is actually subtly implied in one of the Insanity prompts), or Vetex did those dialogues thinking he should give the player some liberty, and then changed his mind later (during Redwake, the main story quest descs are also very simplified as much as possible and they only became detailed starting by Frostmill)


i think its actually “Why aren’t you screaming to alert the Bronze Legion?” or something like that

I was going off by memory, so it wasn’t accurate.
I decided to recheck and…

Still taunts by how they’re written lol


wait so you’re telling me the mfs who can destroy houses and fucking concrete with their hands aren’t meant to be as strong as magic users?

so are hybrid builds just, setting you back from your full potential?

what about vitality, is vitality strong enough to go toe to toe with magic?

That’s exactly what he’s saying, unless the character uses magic in some capacity or has a curse to make up for the strength gap like freedrock. Then they’re just forced to be weaker than someone with their 1st-3rd mind unlocked.

Valencia had the shockwave curse. That doesn’t turn her into shockwaves, that lets her create them from her body. We never see her fight, but that’s a pretty clear distinction from the magic curses. Similarly the Lazarus curse gives the user lots of physical strength. Both of them would probably function like berserkers.

Avery Walker is repeatedly referred to as the swordsman. Yes, he technically is a man made of sword slashes, but would General Zaix really be making puns now of all times? When we fight him he’s likely going to be a conjurer, since the slash curse can create slashes, not swords, so it’s not like he can turn his hand into a sword.

i’m talking about strengh and weapon users, they have a pretty hefty destructive potential, some might even rival a few magics

honestly, fs and weapon users shouldn’t be weaker but instead at a lower level, as in they’re equal, but non magic users have to work harder to achieve the same level of power, and power caps at an equal level

This is potentially possible given the existence of Argos, who from what I can recall was equal if not stronger than Julian back in his prime through rigorous training.

What? I dont think this was confirmed. I mean, it was made clear he was very strong back in the day, but on the level of a Curse User? Im not sure… Vetex confirmed Curse Users are literally on a different level from everyone else, and there are only few exceptions (and the only ones we know so far is Theos and PK, magic-users). And he says straight up that Julian would’ve killed everyone in the hall if it weren’t for Morden.

I remember vaguely hearing about it, but I might just be misinterpreting something I read before.

He was the same rank as Julian, but it is rather heavily implied that it was due to his loyalty. I will mention however, that it appears that his strength was enough to impress Julian, since he seems to think that now it isn’t good enough for him.

The MC also taunts Elius with the dialogue option “I barely even tried.”

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“dont be so smug fatass” is basically his response to yours

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Wouldn’t the non-magic awakening simply make the user able to “break” their physical limits or something like that, making them able to get to a similar level to mages?

Also I don’t think that mages are really physically strong or durable since they spent most of their time practicing magic. Meaning that a warrior or a berserker could technically beat them by exploiting this weakness; getting as close as possible and preventing mages to cast any spell by keeping pressure.
