Hopes for the Future Story for Arcane Odyssey

4 months necropost and replying to vetex in one go is crazy

Theos was kind of a exception, plus I don’t think that he was as good as someone that has spent his life perfecting his physical abilities and martial skills.

Well yeah, he was better than someone without magic

He kinda had Phoenix magic + two others, so it make sense that he’s stronger than most people in general

he was very muscular for someone so old, he must work out alot

Im sure magic helps you get stronger physically better than someone without magic could do

I mean as a magic user being stronger than a curse user that’s also one of the commanders of the strongest pirate crew in the seven seas is crazy not to mention he’s like basically an elder bro’s almost 1000 years old

Who are you referring to? Agnis?

also magic users can extend their lifespan using magic, which gives them a physical advantage over non-magic users

Only way this works is if the MC specifically is the one they want to have grow. Because as it stands he hasn’t encountered Morden. Which in of itself could lead to an interesting interaction.

Scenario 1: Azura Province is corrupted by the Order to some extent, but Warren doesn’t know or see it due to his loyalty to his Kingdom. Therefore, when we start going against it, he reluctantly ends up fighting us with Morden potentially accidentally (or intentionally) killing him with the Death Curse.

Scenario 2: Morden will have to come to terms with the power of the Death Curse to utilize it to it’s fullest, or lose himself to it. Maybe if Warren trains Morden, Morden could accidentally hit Warren with enough Death curse power to inflict an injury that over time gets worse and doesn’t heal. Meaning Warren, over time, will grow weaker and eventually perish. Morden would have to come to terms with this, and maybe near the end of it he figures out how to control his Death Curse enough to allow Warren to recover, but it’s already too late. This gives us a stronger Morden, let’s him grow enough to properly use his Death curse, but it also means we get our mentor character death.

Not happening and her self explosion is literally the size of an explosion size build. I don’t think it was even an ultimate art either, so right now imo she is showing more explosive output or at least magic size than potential man (MC).

To quote Vetex, “wtf is a tsundere?”
So probably not happenning

Him not knowing what it is, doesn’t mean he couldn’t do it. He just doesn’t know that there’s a popular name for the trope.

Though I share the same sentiment that she really shouldn’t end up like that.


You are devil himself.

I saw a 3 year necro once

the 4 (or 5) year necro :fearful:

Don’t call me out like that dawg-

Since mage are canonically allergic to water, I don’t think it does

You underestimate the Internet.

where is this information from bro???

probably some misunderstanding from how curse users are weakened/killed in water because of the magic pollution