Hot take (trigger warning)

damm, you not took the bait i guess

the average deepwoken player dont makes idea arcane oddysey exists, this is just the average deepwoken youtuber role shithead

I love how painfully easy it is to bait this community, no matter how obvious it could be

Yeah i’m guilty of falling for it too sometimes :sweat_smile:

but it’s still pretty funny

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It happens to the best of us

I mean, I just take the bait because the resulting argument is funny as all fuck to watch

I love that this guy says elemental battlegrounds is from 2014.
that’s hilarious.

Bro i swear to god dont let me catch RobertTheRunnyHotdog in AO its on fucking sight bro needs to sleep with one eye open because i aint lettin that slide :speaking_head: :speaking_head: :fire: :fire: :exclamation: :exclamation: :stuck_out_tongue: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :smiling_imp:

Yeah that was an L take on his part :skull: It’s ok to not like AO but damn is he wrong on so many levels lol

deepwoken youtubers about to join AO and instantly get ganked by the entire server.

And so continues the insane Rivalry of DW and AO

we all know peak roblox is tower battles

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that game is dog ass i bought it and there were fucking watermarks on the screen

Didn’t you say you’ve never played the game before though?
Like, I get disliking it, but how can you say that if you’ve literally never tried it?
This is exactly like people saying Pineapple on Pizza is bad, the average person saying that has never actually tasted it!

(I know this is supposed to be bait, but I’m giving it the benefit of the doubt since you’ve mentioned your dislike of Deepwoken in the past before as well on other posts)

Tower Battles was so dubious, too bad Tower Defense Simulator kind of wiped it out :frcryin:

I’ve eaten it a bunch of times and it sucks

pineapple pizza is honestly the most common pizza I pick when ordering ngl

I just like it

If you think that, then it’s fine, it’s your opinion! Imo, Pineapple pizza is kind of mid
My problem is that people say it it sucks and that they don’t like it, despite never actually having tasted it before

that’s because he’s looking at it from an objective point of view, of course it’s better to try out a game before you say it’s bad but for most cases you can accurately judge whether or not you like a game before you play it just by looking at youtube videos

i have also never played deepwoken and i don’t like it just because of how poorly the game is actually designed

dubious like dubioustyp0?

also TDS just sucks bruh I play for the events but like ain’t no way I am losing sleep for engi

also hot take: hardcore is just a fundamentally flawed gamemode

imo, watching a Youtube Video of a game gives a completely different vibe from actually playing the game.
You’re not wrong in that regard, but the experience still differs when you actually go through it yourself versus just watching someone