How did you join vetex discord?

Here’s my backstory i guess, wondering through the world of arcane adventures when i met a person named “Kurumai” we slowly became friends and started talking a lot, like i mean ALOT. Then it came to a point where he wanted me to get discord, which i said “sure!” he later on gave me the link to vetex discord. All in all without Kurumai i wouldn’t be here right now.


For me it wasn’t anything important that made me join; I believe it was when I stumbled upon vetex’s twitter account and joined nova community back in 2016


i decided to join the AA wikia’s discord then i joined vetex’s disc cuz its the official discord of AA… shitty backstory, i know

also i started to be active after i got banned from the AA wikia discord for a hella dum reason because i had no where else to talk

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Back then I used to play a lot of Arcane Adventures, then I found the official arcane subreddit. I joined it, became an active member with shitty fanfictions, until eventually, I discovered discord. So I created a discord account to join the Nova Games server, which eventually got renamed to “Vetex’s Games”.


Unlike you guys, I’m a vetex games zoomer. I joined when Adventure Story was vet’s main project.


Same deal as meta, big zoomer here and I was just curious


Joined when AS was the main project like a gamer :sunglasses:


Kinda the same as Perf, i joined the AA wikia first, then I was eventually given the link to the official vetex discord server after trying to report a bug or something like that. I became active when I started using the help chat, where I stayed all the time as long as I was on my computer, trying to answer questions.
Oh yeah also I left the wikia when AA died and the owner wanted to rename it to “Gamer Union” and add a nsfw chat after banning a bunch of people. Weird time.


I am the most zoomer out of us having joined some time after the first open test of wom :moyai:


Nova Games :frhigh: :frhigh:


I also was in nova games


I found AA somewhat fun. I would come back every once in a while and play a bit. I didn’t care too much about the community.

Only reason I decided to join was cause I ran across an exploiter and decided to go on the discord to report them.


Well I joined during online fighting so asking when I joined his discord is irrelevant. If you want to know a funny story about how I got into Nova here it goes:

During online fighting I had a friend named FullyForged who told me that he got into Nova games for doing something for him. I remember asking my friend how he got in. He told me that he asked vetex how he would contact him? So vetex responded with adding him to the group.

This leads into my part where after my friend told me all of this, at the time I was known for a lot of things. Especially doing 2D animations for games aswell as 3D renders from Roblox. At the time exporting stuff as .obj was not made yet. So I had to manually rip stuff out of the game. Which lead to me and a couple of other people the sole people on Roblox to do this.

I offered vetex my services, to make him a thumbnail. He said yes and I proceeded to ask how I would be able to contact him. And then on I was apart of Nova games. The most funny part about this all is I never did the thumbnail lol.

But yeah the way I got into Nova was sly, and ended up doing a lot for vetex in the long run. Because as of online fighting I did not know much of scripting. Or atleast was trying to learn as much as I could.


Well i was a big fan of Arcane when it came out, i am pretty sure i joined the vetex discord server before 3rd sea or something like that, and because of that i became a less toxic person than before
i guess…?


2016 nova community godly


Yes nova was the place to be


I can’t remember how i actually joined the discord, i think it was back when Skype was finally dying and discord was rising up and i decided to make the switch cuz i had a couple of friends i played Arcane Adventures with and we had our own group chat on skype. I decided to make the switch to discord while they didn’t for like a good couple months until they switched but anyway.

I mainly used the discord for reporting exploiters in the help chat. Didn’t really socialize too much cuz i didn’t really care too much about the community. But then I mentioned this guy LuckyDoodles out of no where asking for a 1v1 on the same game I was playing that I had just bought, Dragon Ball FighterZ. Which lead to him inviting me to his clan La Familia something LOL I can’t remember but it was a fun ass clan for Arcane Adventures. Met so many amazing people from that clan.

After joining the clan I started interacting with the community as I became really active. Later on I made the worst decision of my life to activate 2 step verification on my discord account and accidently logged out like a dense dumb ass I got locked out with no recovery and ultimately lost that account so I had to make a new one being my current handle.

I’ve left the discord a few times because I just didn’t find Adventure story too interesting but it was still some fun to get into. Until I heard Vetex was working on something new and I decided to join back a few months ago I think December? But it’s been really fun to be part of this community and I look forward to the new game he’s developing.


for me, i think i joined back in 2016 or 2017. in arcane adventures, i stumbled upon a legendary scroll, and this one guy, whose name is sky (fun fact, hes now an AR developer now) told me that i could get a legendary weapons if i went and dmed a vetex server mod. he was also the reason why i created my discord account in the first place. in the end though, i didnt get my legendary weapon (fuck you sonien)


I needed to find victims for my unorthodox experiments.

I joined nova community because you gotta admit fairy tail online fighting was pretty cool. So I made a discord account specifically to join nova community. I was inactive for years though. But an og nonetheless.

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