How did you join vetex discord?

Heh I joined to see the community. I regretted it slightly at first.

Now look at you now…

Wait this is the forum…


I wanted to see where the creator of AS was, I didn’t know vetex also created AA and WOM so i expected it to be a small community
but i was wrong

I’ve got a pretty interesting story on how I joined, haha

Back then I was just browsing Roblox for any good game to play. I randomly typed into the search bar “magic games” and since nothing came up, I tried anything at that point. Ninjas, simulators, anything FUN.

I tried “magic” and Arcane Adventures came up. I clicked on it, looked at the number of game visits and it seemed cool. Sadly, it had died at this point, so when I played it, I encountered a buggy game. I went back to the game description and explored a little more, finding the game’s creator’s name (Vetex). I started playing AR, which was AA’s remake and I realized that it was a lesser version of AA. I started thinking, “AA must have been a great game,” and I decided to dig a little deeper.

I went on Google and searched him up, found his Twitter, and read more. Around a few months later, I discovered Discord, and signed up. Then I realized he might have a server, so I searched up “vetex discord” and something actually came up, Vetex’s Games. I joined, and the rest is history. Met tons of great people there, some of which are actually my friends on Discord.

I dont remember :fr:

how many times is this post gunna be bumped btw :<

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I never joined the discord.

I used to watch DanTDM play Roblox, and he played Arcane Adventures. I tried it for myself, and was addicted to it. Played till it shut down, then was sad but moved on.

I found about World of Magic almost the day of it’s release, and played it the hour it came out to the public fully. Then I joined the forum, ect.

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Welp here goes my history on vetexgames.

It was first introduced to me a few days after I got my first roblox account (protestjvj) It was fairy tail online. I had no idea what I was doing until I realized it was a fighting game.

So I just went around and started killing folks with fire magic while getting clapped on by that fire dragon.

Skip a few months I find out about online fighting. I managed to get the fire curse out of some crazy odds. And then some guy helped me with training it instead of killing me. I then made a group for people with equal power. I wanted them all to be the most powerful members with me.

Skip ahead. Got scammed out of that account and now I own protestjvjV2. I found out about arcane adventures soon after and got INCREDIBLY invested into it. I never joined the server but I played it whenever I found the time to.

It shut down then I found out about AS. Never played it after finding out it was turn based and then just played other games. Found arcane legacy it’s dead. Found arcane reborn. Then I saw world of magic. Skill ahead a couple months I joined the discord. Then badabing badaboom. Here I am now.

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my story

  • ok so i discovered AS and i was like oh this is neat
  • skip a few days later
  • WoM gets recommended, level cap was 60
  • i was like dang this game is pretty cool, kinda grindy tho
  • i see a discord button on WoM
  • i join
  • regrets
  • skip until august 2020
  • i join forums
  • way better than discord
  • now i only use vetcord for dev updates :sunglasses:
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I just was playing wom one day and saw the discord link on roblox and was like “hey what if I joined that”

same I just thought to join the server for fun just to get updates on the game and this was also my first non personal discord server so I had no idea how to speak on discord or to speak with strangers, I mean it’s not like I know how to speak even now but at least I don’t start anything awkward every two seconds, I start something awkward every one second now.

I joined bc a random sent me a link and I was already a huge fan of arcane games at that point

I was in the server for an ATLA roblox game and when WoM released people were talking about it, so I ended up joining the discord

I joined for Adventure Story updates

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Played OF, got bored and forgot about it. A friend recommended me AA in around 2016-2017. I got intrested and played ALOT, saw that there was a discord in around 2017 but i didn’t have discord. Forgot about Vetex for the longest time untill i saw WoM, which instantly got me intrested and i joined the discord shortly after. Got bored of it, joined the forums, no-lifed the forums for like 2 years. I only became really active like around half a year ago :fr:

i joined for the AS updates

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i actually joined the server a few months prior, no idea why my first message was so late after

AS players rise up