How does Magic exactly work?

Does chaos store the matter (For example, the water that comes from a water magic attack) or does he store magic energy?

The matter from our magic attacks is magical energy, hence why you can’t maintain a Metal suit of armor, for example. It disappears back into energy. That’s what returns to Chaos.

So the giant rock created in Earth Magic Attacks IS our magic energy, and it disappears back into your energy? What’s soul for then, wouldn’t it be soul instead?

I’ve always imagined soul as a conductor, or gateway to activate your magic.

Soul could be what you exert a bit of for Chaos to create the matter for the attack and return it to him a while later, but he keeps a tiny bit of it, hence why you lose some. Chaos stores all the matter created in Magic Attacks.

Magic Energy is what you use to create Magic Circles, letting you maintain more control over your magic, but more importantly denying Chaos from taking any of your soul.

That make any sense? The attack itself is from chaos, what triggers it is your soul, and what makes your circles is magic energy.

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Your magic energy is constantly swirling about inside of you; when you want to use it for a spell, you use your soul to shape and release it.

Yeah, that’s a pretty damn good interpretation.

I’ll try to figure out more later.

The magic energy is in the air around you, the amount you have is the amount you can store to use for magic circles. After you shoot magic, the magic energy disperses back into the air, and can be used by another wizard later. You use magic energy instead of your soul to create magic, before when you used your soul, you didn’t have magic circles. As time goes on, the magic circles have gotten more advanced, increasing the efficiency of magic energy use to power. So, you no longer need to use your soul. Your magic gene simply determines your ability to channel magic, so it could possibly determine what magic you use by determining how your magic flows. Also, the olden magic created magic energy using their soul. Hence why it would shorten their lifespan. Oh, and magic gene is also prob the conduit, hence why it determines the way the magic works. Might add more if I think of it later. Edit: Oh yeah, and chaos is one of the driving forces behind the universe, so maybe mana is actually just diluted chaos

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So, are there different types of magic energy for every magic? And how do you draw in and expell magic energy? Is water magic energy just water?

No, the different magics are just different ways of channeling magics, the magic gene acts as a conduit that channels energy so you can make magic circles

The only question is how getting more magics work, maybe you unlock more potential in your magic genes so that the magic can be channeled in different ways?

So what do minds do?

Or maybe like prxstine said:

So your soul determines the shape, so getting new minds is basically teaching your soul how to change the flow of mana, so the gene is basically a wire that can be routed in any way

Is magic energy really energy? Since clearly it turns into matter in some magics.

Also, you’re only able to store magic energy because your magic genes hold it, right?

Hmmm, maybe the magic energy changes form into matter, or it creates pseudomatter, that is actually just condensed energy?

And yes, your magic gene sucks in the energy and moves it, so the magic circles act as a buff, the charging is a method of making the gene suck in energy?

Your soul can bend the magic energy nearby it, yes? It’s what draws it into your genes and lets you release it from your hands. I’m guessing the soul just controls the way the magic travels through your cells, and shapes it inside of you.

Once it’s in you, you can shape it, shake it up in a certain pattern that causes it to become a different type of itself (Your minds are what let you remember how to do it) and release it.

And theoretically, if your magic energy was empty, magics like water and shadow wouldn’t hurt you.

Ye, that makes sense

Can you explain that last part a bit more clearly, I don’t understand the reasoning. But it probably makes sense