How does Magic exactly work?

Shadow and Water only hurt you because they conflict with the magic energy inside of you.

Ohhh, then how does it hurt bandits? Maybe everybody actually has the magic gene in some sort, but it isn’t fully developed so they can’t use magic? Or maybe everything contains a small amount of mana?

So in conclusion, your soul has the power to draw magic energy from outside into your cells. It won’t enter your body unless you have the magic gene, as it allows the storage of it. Once it’s in your cells, it can be stored and further shaped by both your soul and your cells. Then, it can be changed into a different type, accompanied by your mind, and released. Don’t know why magic circles make it more powerful, maybe they propel it.


Magic circles are things that have been researched to make better ones, so maybe they’re symbols that amplify mana that is being sent out, kinda like a megaphone, but for magic energy

Been said before that the magic circles create the magic for you

Dunno how that works.

A shaping aid? Kinda like a mold so you don’t have to fully shape it before sending it out, increasing casting efficiency, and having a lesser toll on the soul?

Interesting. Definitely a possibility.

I believe it can be explained as such:

Magic circles inherently conduct magic much better than the human soul until mastery is reached, so magic energy is attracted to the circle instead, drawn to an external medium rather than an internal medium.

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So, what exactly does the magic gene do?

That’s what I still have no clue about. I don’t think there’s much use in trying to guess until Vetex makes a definitive answer for us.

Huh. So here we’re assuming the soul can conduct magic energy, and it’s control is more powerful the more the magic energy is near it.

Then, magic circles are designed from reshaped magic energy to be able to conduct magic much more easily, making the toll on your soul less.

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Precisely, and I’d assume (in lore of course) that the magic circle’s configuration affects the resulting spell, perhaps requiring different runes to form different attacks or variations.

Easier to make a magic circle than it is to make a giant ball, since a bit of your soul disappears the more you conduct energy with it… The magic circle just makes the job easier

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Here’s the process.

There’s magic energy in the air around you. It’s pretty useless. Then prometheus came along. He made something happen better than bread or butter… The magic gene. Now, your cells can store magic energy. Oh yeah! Now it’s NOT so useless!

Let’s see. The soul has a property that lets it manipulate magic energy, especially that nearby it. Let’s draw some energy in, shall we?


There we go. As you can see, we have as much magic energy as our body can physically hold. And it can travel pretty easily through our body because of the gene, and our soul manipulating it.

“But what element do we have, Mr. Percy? :nerd_face:

Well, that’s where minds come in. They’re tiny special places in your brain, that serve a special purpose. When you get old enough, you get your first magic, though how it’s determined is for another time.

Let’s say your first mind is fire. Well, guess what it does? Magic energy has special properties. If you shake it up like a bottle of pop the right way, it’ll turn into a specific magic. Your mind gives you just the right combination so that you know how to do this, but only for a specific magic.

Now, the first magic came from the soul. That was costly. But now, a great invention, almost as good as toasters and pop tarts. Magic circles.

If you didn’t know, whenever your soul manipulates magic energy, a little bit of it drips away. But what if we could use MUCH LESS magic energy in our spells and get an even better result? Introducing our Magic Circles.

They’re almost entirely 2-dimensional, and all we have to do is cram the design into our tiny, pea-sized brains. Then, it can effectively channel magic energy to make our spells for us, without having to manipulate magic energy as much. It also makes everything much more accurate and can form spells. :sunglasses::ok_hand:

Now, we can cast our spells. Just shake up a magic circle with little to no cost to our soul, let the magic energy channel through it and form into your magic with your cool channeling combination, and boom. Once your other minds are unlocked, you learn how to shake the energy up differently, and turn the energy into different magics.

Since the energy is in such small increments, if you twist it into your magic inside your body, it won’t hurt you unless you build it up. We use magic circles anyways now, and the transformation is done in there. After the spell is cast, eventually the energy will return to normal, and can be absorbed again.

How it turns into elements with certain motion combinations, nobody knows, but nobody cares lolololol. Thus ends my Tedtalk.



I solved the problem

My IQ is almost out of the negatives

Uhm, great i guess… so i have a couple of questions (not to anyone specificly)
1 does this mean that you cant draw magic in space?
2 how does your mind settle on a second type of magic?
3 where lies the source of the magic energy? it must be coming from somewere? (or did i miss something?)

I don’t know if you can draw magic in space. You mean outer space? Your soul could still drag it in.

I’m not sure how minds are chosen, that’s for another time.

The magic energy sits in the air. Magic energy might possibly originate from Chaos, the first unknown. It’s also called Mana, or diluted Chaos.

hm okay, so basicly everything originates out of Chaos?

Creation made most things, but it’s the second unknown. Your soul doesn’t originate from Chaos, but the lore at the very beginning is blurry. It’s mostly Greek Mythology though.

like with Zeus, Hades, Poseidon ect… (man i feel like im stupid)