How does the story justify us beating Calvus?

The player beating Calvus makes no sense, Calvus has decades of experience, is much more powerful than us, wields a lost magic, and gets defeated by a malnourished player who’s been mining for weeks/months with 4 hours of sleep.



Seriously tho vetex has a tendency to just add things to the writing that just don’t make sense, for example morrocks death. They only really exist to drive the plot forward or a different purpose (like how morrocks death was so that people wouldnt just say “morrock shoukd just beat him”). Or just plain plot armour

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cause he plays savant

he didn’t focus on only his magic, he was spread out between everything, also he thought the player would be an easy fight but by the end (boss phase) when he tried harder we defeat him

I hear people say that alot but he would probably still be alot more powerful than the player

morock’s death does make sense, he was fighting and his ship couldn’t take it and snapped in half

Morrock can literally fly.

equal invest savant

he was surprised his ship fucking split in twain

Sonif he has equal invest in the four stats, see how much vitality you need to get however much health he has (also his armour gives 0 defense so all of his hp is from vitality)

if he invested so much into vitality then his dmg output would be low as shit
also game logic

lol, in Calvus’s case I wouldnt even mind if the difference in power wasnt astronomical.

This guy was meant to be a high lord of the order and one of the top dudes defending the Bronze sea. If a lv 100 player can beat his ass then why hasnt any other kingdom conquered Ravenna in like 5 minutes? All you gotta deal with is calvus, a bunch of fodder centurions, 1 or 2 weaker curse users and the decrepit corpse that is argos

also calvus doesnt have vitality

What do you mean by this? That he doesn’t have high invest in vitality or?

He has 4500 health with an armour set that gives 0 defense

which means he’s just really high level. Remember he can use Array, the triasta and some strength attacks

Nvm I just understood what you meant

But still he if he can use level 280 magic moves while also being an equal savant, how would the level100 player beat him

logically he cant beat him thats the point. We can do it in gameplay because he’s a dumb idiot that uses the same moves over and over but in the lore it would be like a lv 300-500 player fighting a lv 100 pre awakening