How does the story justify us beating Calvus?

I think it just boils down to vetex’s writing being really inconsistent with the rules he set for his world. Also maybe a bit about vetex forgetting about certain things like level requirements

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I’ll never understand why he made the lore and the game different continuities, its kind of annoying if you care about whats going on

By the time he started to actually try it was too late

you’re saying a lv 400 player at half hp would lose to a lv 100 player?

If theyve managed to lose half their hp yeah

they wouldnt lose half their hp to begin with

Only if they’re real bad, but Calvus definitely had years of his life to train and he still couldn’t do better than a common level 270 pirate.

I think its one of those cases where despite unlocking all these abilites he’s still just a bad fighter. Never learned to use any of these abilities to the fullest and the player was just a better combatant. Calvus can do a ton of damage but lacks the skill the player has which allowed them to close the gap.

I’m not gonna lie I still would’ve preferred the player get their first awakening before this fight, but the gap isn’t so absurd that its totally unbelievable that the player could win through skill. At least thats how it is for me.

The mines were canonically a physical training experience for the player, as one of the captive remarks how the daily exercise had improved their physique. Of course the malnutrition and fatigue should have had an impact, but adrenaline paired with the physical conditioning was most likely enough to offset that enough for us to beat calvus. Not to mention, we came out of the fight significantly injured.

For calvus, vetex has already explained that his philosophy of acquiring as many powers as he can was the reason he fell short. He didn’t care about mastering any of the powers he had under his belt, which became the source of his weakness.


In other words, common savant L

Well calvus did so :person_shrugging:

we are the chosen one

god blood, and we can beat rivals too, just at like 5 hp remaining

Calvus has a skill issue :+1:

we’re also zeus’s kid


Calvus sucks dick and balls and he also is supposedly a 4 way savant (defective build alert!!!)

he put most into vitality and equally distributed the rest (he had no spirit weapons btw)

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I personally have always believed Calvus is a three-way savant, not four-way. Especially now that vitality isn’t even giving health anymore, there is zero reason to believe he has any.

I’ve also said this before but I head-canon that Calvus switches fighting styles every week out of sheer boredom. We just so happened to catch him on one of his Iron Leg days. This guy can’t stick with and master what he’s got for the life of him.

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i still think MC should has gotten their awakening during the fight

maybe something like Calvus switchs into his 2nd phase and beat our a$$ and we temporarily get our awakening for that fight only, maybe because idk, survival mechanism or whatever

Warren said our body was already ready, it was our mind that wasnt so it isnt out of the question that we can temporarily achieve an imperfect awakening, maybe instead of only a (temporarily) reduction in our HP bar we also have our mana bar reduced as well to represent the strain it put on our mind

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Throwback to all the theories before release that we would get a cool cutscene while fighting the final boss and power up to beat his ass

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