How does the story justify us beating Calvus?

Bro we’ve been tested on were like mutated beings or something literally this is the first thing u learn in the story

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Calvus is the example of a weak savant who tried to master many things at once without perfecting his already existing skills individually while us players have fought many powerful opponents that made us grow quickly strengthwise and we’re also somehow special which makes us somewhat stronger than him. In Frostmil we managed to beat Iris who also uses a lost magic and about we being in a ‘deplorable’ state for mining for a month, there’s a guy in the mines that looks pretty much fine and even says he got some muscles out of doing the same thing for years but let’s be honest, 2-3 weeks of mining is enough to get adapted to that activity, and we get 4 hours of sleep and meals to restore our energy for the next day, if there are people in the mines who have been there for years and haven’t died yet that just proves my point

I think people forget that in some shape or form mc has ordain powers

imo the killing calvus quest and the awakening quest should’ve swapped places. Like the gang breaks us out, we flee to windrow, get our awakening AND THEN sneak back into the palace to kill calvus. Makes it more realistic for the mc to be able to take on calvus that way

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yeah so the entire ravenna army and general julian and maybe even the grand navy’s at the place defending calvus

Bullshit thats how

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I don’t know how many people you can cram into the throne room but morden and iris could be holding them off while we fight calvus ig

the entirety of ravenna, not the throne room specifically

yuh we could probably sneak in with a second very plot convenient secret entrance, all seriousness though we could probably take one of the windows near the mountain

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nobody would hear the fighting

that’s why i’m saying morden and iris could hold them off till we’re done

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buddy, julian the grand navy and ravenna’s army and maybe the general valerii guy

Player character is canonically a savant

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morock’s a side character who affected 0 things in the plot of both games :skull:

500 level 20 npcs vs the death curse

granted considering how morden barley managed to win against julian I could see the whole thing failing with the added army and navy so ig it’s not a perfect solution


yes dude… that’s why we gotta kill him the moment we get the chance

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still doesn’t make much sense for a fatigued guy who hasn’t fought in months to beat calvus


player character is canonically not an idiot


did lil bro read my first post…

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I just read the main post man cut me some slack

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