How long do you think the next update will take to make?

My bet is late febuary-early march unless vetex gets stuck on something like new weapon skills. In general, its only mundane shit he can get stuck on, everything else will be hastily done.

This is actually something I really hope gets finished, all the weapon skills that are under 250 so that warriors may feel more complete

Plus it gives us ardent rise and counter for the lance

it wouldn`t be ever sea lvl 125 which means like the 7th sea would be lvl 875 but vetex said when the game ends it would be lvl 1000

And theres only six seas.


Also more than 20 levels because there’s gonna be a level gap between them.

Also unless the assassin and navy leaders are gonna drop a special accessory, which I doubt since they’re supposed to be in uniform and Merlot doesn’t drop the cool mask, they also need to have their own weapon drops.

My bet is that one will have an artisan weapon and one will have a spirit weapon if they’re being dropped in this update. Otherwise, we are 100% getting another strength weapon finally.

March 10th. Remember this post

honestly, wouldn’t it be cooler february 25th, celebrating the game’s first anniversary


I would guess midway through March next year ngl

The lvl cap might get raised to lvl 150 bc there is two chapters getting released.
Which would unlock mages about 2 new ultimate attacks i think.

i think 3, leap, javelin, and beam

3-4 months but i’ll throw in another 1 or 2 months because i can’t predict for shit

im thinkin’ february 25th, for the anniversary.

2-3 months let vetex breath and fix his game-

I’d lowball at 1 month and highball on 3, Vetex has a shit ton of builders already, making an island should not be hard now, not only that but he also has people willing to model, animate, and make soundtracks for him aswell, so that type of stuff shouldn’t be too hard, If you stalked reminders for AO back in the day, you know how quickly vetex cranks out story parts so i’m not awfully worried about the story, if anything, making bosses is probably what would take the longest, the real thing that may take up the most time would be adding new items, fleshing out systems, and all the new stuff that comes with the new sea in general (a shit ton of NPCs, exploration taks, spawnpoints, etc.), Vetex also mainly attributes not being able to get it out this year due to UGC issue, which probably means he is confident that he can get it out by around the end of the year, not that vetex has the best prediction times so it’s logical to assume it would take 2 or 3 months, assuming nothing that causes any crazy delays happen

If i were to try calculate it:
Story: 1.5 weeks max
Islands (NPC spawns, fleshing it out, lore, etc.): 3 weeks max
Diving spots/ misc.: 1 week (depends on how fast builders can build really)
Other systems (charts, possible factions, etc.): 1 week
New items: 2 weeks

Of course, i’m not a dev or vetex, so this is just my 50 cents but judging what i’ve seen from the bronze sea, realistically it shouldn’t take that long, especially since it’s only half of the story as well, and i doubt too much will be added intially

this seems reasonable, i can also agree on the 1-3 months.

Remember alignement system?

Now you can not only be hated by the GN/AS but also Samaria and Skyhall, yippee!

Stuff like Island building would be hard to imagine not happening simultaneously with the story

i remember in 1.13 i got a player mad and said to meet at munera, and he said to wait there, and weirdly enough 2 players with high bounty joined soon after i said i was there

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