How strong do you think the mc will be by the end of AO?

The title is pretty much it, relative to the other characters in the verse how strong do y’all think the mc will be by the end of the game?

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Tech has stated they will be stronger than the peacekeeper.

The peacekeeper is a borderline god—how in blazes are we gonna end up better than that?


We have the blood of the gods apparently so that will help. Poseidon calls us “Strongest Will Of All Legacies”

lvl 600

I know that, I’m talking like in lore, compared to other characters in the arcane verse how strong will the mc be by the end of the game

Stronger than a mc chicken

If AO MC will be stronger than the PK, then surely they end up as one of the top dogs in the Arcane universe, considering how by this point in the timeline a lot of the Arcane Adventures big powerhouses are either dead or decommissioned, since AO happens a month later or so.

Consider that we know NOTHING about AO MC other than what happens during the storyline, apparently having blood of the gods, being experimented on and Calvus noticing we’re special, that should put us higher than PK who is a resuscitated magic-less peasant that got the ability to use it through magic pollution in their ashes. And WoM MC is a random teenager who awakened their magic in a little village.

AO MC has the biggest potential to grow into, and considering it’s the one game that IS currently being worked on, then we’ll get to see that potential.


pk may be borderline god, but we quite literally ARE gods (technically partially but you get what I mean).

Nuke ravenna levels of strong

WoM mc is the strongest, the constant walking around the map he does has sculpted his legs into the strongest forces the arcane universe has ever seen

The arms of the lady at redwake beg to differ

we can already do that…

You misunderstand, I want to be able to do this:

I want to see this message in chat, Ravenna needs to be completely destroyed. I won’t be satisfied unless I have recreated the collapse of silent tower in AO.

we have better PC’s

edit: i just realised the AO MC is canonically a savant lol

bro what enemy is AO MC gonna fight at the end of AO that is stronger than Durza and Hades?? Vetex himself???

BORDERLINE god, AOMC has the BLOOD of a ACTUAL god

what i mean is: Neji and Gojo are right, power and success is inate, set from the moment you are born

Vetex just descends from Elysium to personally bitchslap the MC with his promethean lightning

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