How the heck does the Arcane lore work?

I’m saying this as he finds a way to prove me wrong in almost every post.

The Arcane lore is a product of Vetex during 2015 (a mish-mash of Anime and Greek)

I mean, Are you aware that not everything is revealed so its more likely that more gods and titans are relevant in the story

Yes and I am here to make you realize its bad. Also it’s not like Greek mythology got any updates in 7 years.

Yes I am, and I never said they won’t be. I’m just saying the current lore is kind of wack.

How did I not see this

Well maybe wait until the Lore is fully/somewhat revealed in AO

Sure the current lore is pretty wack but Vetex HAS grown and learned, he was pretty young when he wrote the AA Lore. AO is pretty fresh and new so at least give him a chance

I’m bored man

Just don’t be :yawning_face:

Forums are my only form of nourishment. I moved to the country so my Wi-Fi is gonna be ass for a month or two, so this is all I have.

Just know I will be complaining and go to deepwoken if something does not happen (jk dont hurt me)

I was confused on this too until I realized that the term god for Greek mythology is basically just a race/species/whatever term. So the Titans are gods, just as the Olympians are gods, it’s just that everybody is more familiar with the latter. The Titans are just the older pantheon of gods.

I’m not sure what the “Minor Gods” were exactly, but assuming that Aprodite was one, Tech has confirmed she’s still alive. One of the three few gods that survived the war.

Again, I can’t remember which were minor or major gods, but assuming ones like hermes and aphrodite were them, there’s your answer

They are major gods. Minor gods for example are Janus God of Doors (god of all beginnings), or Morpheus, God of Sleep.

Aphrodite was a pretty major god. The minor ones are the ones that we rarely hear about or aren’t always holed up in olympus

Finally, mister smart himself has arrived.

It’s honestly funny how you so confidently get basically everything wrong.

What the fuck are you even citing for literally any of your claims??

You’re making blanket statements when there were many many variations of greek theological history written and almost none of what you said is something every Greek believed in

oh Hermes and especially Aphrodite was a Major God

or as I say, Major Bitch

To be fair vetex never really said the Arcane Universe was set in a universe with fully identical greek mythology to ours, simply that it’s “based on greek mythology with a twist”. Yeah it’s implied that the ‘twist’ is Prometheus giving humans magic but it may go much deeper than that to the origins of the greek gods themselves.
Instead of a Percy Jackson or God of War, kind of inspiration, it’s more like one of those games that throws around the names of gods as an easy way of having an explanation for supernatural elements. Can be a bit uncreative, but vetex’s core focus was definitely his own lore & worldbuilding and he probably didn’t want to lean too much on greek mythos cause it could possibly restrict his own freedom with what he could do.

As for why he didn’t bother changing it for 6 years, well he’s already 6 years deep into lore and he’d have to retcon and shoehorn a lot of elements to make actual greek mythology work. He just wanted to create his own world and in his vision that world has greek gods.

You make valid points tho, saying “based on Greek mythology” instead of “incorporates some greek figures” is a bit misleading but if you think about it you can just shrug it off as different universe shenanigans.

TL;DR: it’s a diff universe so the origins of greek gods etc are different than what we’re familiar with

I’m def not mr smart i just spend way too much time thinking about ao :sleeper: