How to escape a whirlpool that caught your boat (Vetex HATES this one simple trick!)

spin in the opposite direction of the whirlpool with your sails down once the center of your ship is in the whirlpool.

Thanks for reading, don’t forget to react and follow!!! :grin: (why has nobody I’ve met figured this out except me and WHY IS IT NEVER MENTIONED IN GAME)


use deckhand ability*

Are you sure you didn’t just get out because you were spinning?

this is for people who a. don’t have max level navigator because notebooks are hyperinflated or b. don’t feel like using the ability

okay bro

not every new file who gets caught in a randomly spawning whirlpool on their way to redwake is gonna have a legendary navigator deckhand :skull:

go go gadget [q]

this might be better than tabbing out for 5 minutes

thank you for your wisdom

funny enough i learned about this trick from a video about black holes and escaping them, and it said it worked the same with a whirlpool. ao is realistic confirmed???

One of my friends told me about this but it never occurred to me to spread it, i can confirm this works

Cool but how can you tell that you’re out of the whirlpool when your sails are down?

Your ship raises in elevation! When its in a whirpool, it sinks in a few feet

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Because when your sails “down” when you’re actively sailing

sails are down means you are moving doofus

lmao you’re right, I get them mixed up because the button to stop your ship says sails down

did this actually get confirmation by vetex implementing this niche feat in the game or it’s just luck you found it out


i have 100% stability so i cant go to the center of the whirlpool

The center of your boat just has to be within the circumference, not in the actual center of the whirlpool

ok thx