How to increase fps by quite a bit

After a lot of researching, I figured out how to force roblox to run vulkan, a much more efficient graphics system in comparison to the default one used by roblox. The small script also unlocks fps, and it is non bannable in any way, as its moreso like a settings change than anything else, and buffed my fps from around 40 in rubica to 80-120, depending on the server.
If you do this and you have an hdr monitor, (like i do) it may cause some screen darkening and lightening whenever you exit fullscreen, you can turn hdr on and then off to fix it or just wait and it should go away.

1: in windows search, search for the roblox player, and click “open file location”. Make sure your clicking on the roblox player client, not the microsoft store version which will simply show up as “Roblox”.

2: In the file that shows up, right click, and hit “open file location” on roblox player. You may have to hit “show more options” to see it.

3: Right click on the background, and make a new folder. Name the folder “ClientSettings”

Include uppercase or it will not work.

4: Go into that folder, and Create a new text document named “ClientAppSettings.Json”

You must change the .txt at the end to .Json, or it will not work.

It should say JSON file, like it does for mine.

5: go into the file, and paste the following code:


“FFlagDebugGraphicsPreferVulkan”: “true”,

“FFlagDebugGraphicsDisableDirect3D11”: “true”,

“DFIntTaskSchedulerTargetFps”: 200000000


This will make roblox run a more efficient graphics system, and unlock your fps.

6: save the file, and test it. If it works, hit shift+f5 on the title screen. Unless you have an absolute potato pc, you should be getting more than 60 fps.

You will have to do this every roblox update, so I suggest saving these steps in a document or something similar.


Set it to -1 for infinite FPS

Does it work on Mac/Macbook?

probably not, but im sure theres a way, its the same files after all

so basically, it’s roblox’s fault that ao lags and vetex is actually cracked

yeah pretty much, i have a 4080 and roblox doesent even use it its so stupid

Pretty sure it wont, macos uses a proprietary graphics api, metal, and has no native support for vulkan

AO challenge try not to lag finally not impossible (sadly this is just the main menu)

Ingame is also better than before

hey, instead of doing this pretty confusing thing, just get bloxstrap, with that you can change the fps cap and which renderer is used (among other things lime multi instances)

edit: goddamnit they removed the renderer this update

(update: tried vulkan out and it just kinda lowered my fps lol, could’ve been the server but i don’t think it would’ve given me any significant fps that’s worth the switch)

does bloxstrap have a way to increase gpu/cpu performance?

you can forcefully change the lighting system, tho that probably wouldn’t look great.

but other than that bloxstrap mostly got some customization stuff and obv stuff like fps limit as i said before.

You’re such a GOAT for this best forumer ever. Also necrobump or not this is useful information

idk rlly no one even looks at the guides section

I don’t think it worked for me. In the title screen, I was locked at 60 fps
Also, I don’t know how to change it from .txt
Screenshot 2024-03-25 122837
Nvm I had to uncheck hide file type in options

Bookmarked this, gonna try this later and hope it works!

Still capped at 60 fps tho :confused:

then it didn’t work, I will try copy pasting the file so that you can just drop it on

i cant paste it here, does it say “JSON file”?

did you make sure the capitals and spelling is correct?

did you paste the code including the brackets?
