How To Organize Your Guild & An Explanation Over The Last Few Weeks!

time for guilds to copy suncry :smiling_imp:

Shouldā€™ve put this in game discussion, the post is good but the guideā€™s mediocre. Or just separate the guide and announce the rest in the guildā€™s category.

I didnā€™t move it to guides, I planned to put it in Game Discussion but Guilds would have made more sense, then it got moved to guides

Donā€™t worry man, I own a bakery, there will always be enough pies.

Iā€™ve realized that more and more guilds arenā€™t ganking anymore and just message me to do a 1v1 in an arena for infamy. This makes me happy. Also very good job SunCry for being number 1

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Thank you very much

Same, guilds rarely gank nowadays except for a select few that are too rare to run into.

Yeah I forgot their name but they interrupted my guild training (we train with no weapons or armor for a fair fight based on skill) and spammed blasts saying you shouldnt have trained on a landmark that appears on the title screen. We lost about 7 infamy

Damn my man Jason popped off while writing this

Why a flag

Why not a flag? :rainbow_flag:

Because it wouldā€™ve made more sense for a thumbs-up emoji or something, I just donā€™t see how a flag is telling someone ā€œgood jobā€

:+1: there you go


Seriously good job man. this could really help bring a lot of peace, not just for suncry alone.

Damnā€¦ this is so well explained, gj Jason heheh

becuase im gay

Iā€™m very lucky I already got into Suncryā€¦

But I still donā€™t get how a flag is telling someone ā€œgood jobā€¦ā€
ā€¦and, no, Iā€™m not homophobic

It is what it is