How would the the most powerful modern military fare (fair?) against the Bronze Legion?

Julian ten sec into the fight:

Donā€™t underestimate humanityā€™s will to win a war, especially if itā€™s the USA.
Probably in a matter of days, or maybe hours depending on how complex magic is, they could do testing on any magic user they catch and develop magic onto their weapons. The moment that happens, Julian becomes less of a problem.

Also, supposedly normal weapons and attacks donā€™t harm curse users due to them essentially phasing into their magic, but weā€™re talking old weapons like muskets and swords. A nuclear bombā€™s radiation is NOT going to sit well for Julian.

ye but if hes made of glass heā€™ll just melt ez win

Ehhā€¦ a thing about damage and area of effect.

Are Calvusā€™ pillar attacks deadly? Of course they are.

Are they any bigger than the throne room, making its area of effect at most building level? No.

Heā€™s got a long way to go to wipe out USA, and he will get caught lacking before he can do significant damage.

also they arenā€™t going to do some magic testing bruh they arenā€™t going to turn into conjurers that fast

was saying if him and his grandfather at the peak of this power

He could just spam his nuclear bomb-sized blasts and itā€™s gg.

ua pulsar!

Those magics break through solid rock, I disagree with your statement

They are defending. Also, considering itā€™s another dimension, missle silos donā€™t exist, so no nuclear weapons, so if defending, i think the bronze legion would hold its ground.

Though with bronze legion attacking us, we would win

Honestly Iā€™m more surprised that calvus doesnā€™t obliterate Ravenna with that kind of power, you can hear the 500! 500! 500! attack from Palo town if you listen closely

really, you can. just listen very closely

Considering that in WoM you could hear ice magic being used from across a large portion of the map, I believe you

simply bronze legion doesnt stand a chance.

The entire bronze sea would get absolutely obliterated and would never be able to recover because nothing would be left to recover, only I will say greeting there may be a bit of a problem due to the dark sea

remember when in wom glass magic could make your ears bleed irl

That was its unique ability, since other magics also had bleeding

His grandfather has a power called apocalypse bringer in a world much bigger than ours that alone says a lot

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