How would the the most powerful modern military fare (fair?) against the Bronze Legion?

Super soakers really aren’t known for shooting flying targets at long range.
Or piercing glass.

While reading through this I have noticed something that a lot of people have not taken into consideration: The military doesn’t know how the AO magic system works. They don’t know anything about their enemy unless they see it, so they are very unlikely to try using water against a curse user.

I mean, if a musket in arcane odyssey wielded by a basic level 1 with low health deals over 65 damage (tested this) then if you take into account the guns the military has I’m guessing they would deal a TON. Not to level 100s and stuff like that though

But in summary, humans are canonically weaker than AO humans

I don’t think using gameplay as a basis for these kinda arguments is a super solid idea, it’s not like humans in AO are casually tanking bullets and instahealing, that’s just so that the gameplay isn’t a pain in the ass. Also modern military weaponry is a lot stronger than flintlocks/muskets so even then they would still do a lot of damage.

Plus Vetex has stated that apparently even the PEACEKEEPER can be hurt by guns (probably only if they’re not defending against it). From the discussion from Would the Peacekeeper be able to survive everything humanity (irl) throws at them?:

I’m assuming that while humans in AO are more passively durable, it’s mainly their magic defenses that actively shields them (if you ask about non-magic pure builds I got nothing lol). Of course elemental curse users are a completely different story but hey maybe you could melt down arcanium weapons/armor and repurpose them into arcanium bullets?

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Prince Revon solos tbh

wait until he’s on the floor and just flood him

are you all slow

I’m in an argument about whether 2.5 million people with super soakers would beat Julian so yea

there are 2 ways of looking at this:

The modern military goes all out:

well… most characters and soldiers are dead because
"one of the best ways to win a fight is

to have a longer spear when an enemy has a spear

to have a bow when an enemy has a longer spear
to have a gun when the enemy has a bow
to have a cannon when the enemy has a gun
to have an Apache when the enemy has a cannon

so yeah you can’t attack something you can’t even get in range of
or even see? like they can’t “sense” because the modern military has no magic and Apaches can shoot at a range of 31Mi?

but the super big tickets for the Bronze Army? Civilians are a bigger problem than the soldiers or king as the modern military will have a rule of conduct

and curse glass guy? Uh yeah, you guys DO know that the melting point of the glass is just 1,400 Celsius right? And it’s just glass and uh you do know what shockwaves are right?

mean it won’t kill the guy but it would stop him from leaving the island

so i would think it would end in a draw

as while the bronze army would be in ruins
as long as humans stay human and don’t attack non-combatants the modern military won’t be able to land as the glass guy won’t be able to leave or die
so a peace deal or something like North Korea

Or the modern military REALLY goes all out:
Welcome to the fun part!

for step 1 fusion bombs! now with 100% less rads!
go for cities, leaders, and stockpiles, no military targets
as it would be a waste to use nukes on something that can be shelled or can shoot back.

next step after major fusion bomb targets are gone.

target roads turn them up and any lines of communication.
then, make the ground MUD with Cloud seeding.
make groups hard to communicate with others

Afterward, Shell open areas able to be used for food with both land mines and chemicals aim for the water supply
force them to boil their water
FORCE them to eat bad food

target any fires or heat during the night make their lives something to give up on of course this would make them want to fight back

this is what we are hoping for, make traps that disconnected people in a deep rage they will fall for and watch as attack after attack fail

the ones left after would be the ones less of a brave soul and less of can be a leader
as some dig deeper to hide from the sky filled with metal eyes
cause a tsunami with fusion warheads

anything is still alive at this point? well we can always just drop an asteroid on them

Bronze Legion goes North Korea:

even if they have a ONE of kind export (magic) that won’t save a country if they are in a trade ban.

would this cause their people to hate their leaders?
of course but who is going to lead an uprising, if you’re hungry and the guy you’re trying to take down has magic. While won’t isn’t able to take on an army but can deal with a good few dozen people

also if we are pitting an army of 2.5 million vs an army with around 3000 soldiers, with like, a couple hundred being superhumans whilst the majority is just fodder, this isnt even close

super super soakers

Because peacekeeper doesn’t have an Elemental Curse, Absorption is External. Any Elemental Curse user would be invincible since theyre immune to physical attcka.

Well if we can’t hit them because we don’t have magic then they can’t hit us because we don’t have magic :sunglasses:

I think one nuclear weapon is enough to destroy ravenna

It’s probably enough to destroy the bronze sea

I was mainly using the PK to say if somebody as powerful as them can still be hurt by guns then AO humans aren’t superhero levels of durable in that they can tank bullets like in gameplay. As I mentioned in my last paragraph, elemental curse users are a different story for the reasons that you said

me when i see a giant chunk of metal flying towards me (i dont have magic energy so i cant be harmed)

Majority of magics wouldn’t harm them

we all agree that calvus at the peak of his power’s 30000!!! 30000!!! 30000!!! pillar could wipe off the usa, and then argos could take out the army, while calvus father could remove the physical china with his winterveil blast

even just julian could wipe out the usa bec curse cant be attacked