How's your dark sea experience

I havent had this much fun since release of AO

Went with Atlas in a group of 9 to several expeditions and had the time of our lifes

I also discovered i am a great leader since i drove myself and 4 fellow stranded out of the second range with a cursed vessel (my ship is an unluck amulet, within 2 minutes it was hit by 4 bursts of blaze, 3 blaze waves and a fucking acid tornado spawned LITERALLY on top of it)


Rare sail materials?


Dark sea chests

The only thing you cant get from the chests (from my experience of over 80 chests) are the unique weapons, wich you get from killing alaleans- i mean, atlanteans


(he was a castlian in WoM. now heā€™s racist against ravenna)


Swivel gun, throwing harpoons, and a pair of harpoon guns - you are savant or something? Btw, net launchers are the best

Go sunken fishing, money guaranteed. Also, try to sell your hundreds of ravenna war shields and ravenna greatswords

Flying Giant Alpha White Eyes

i am really close to witch hunting two people rn

well, at least i got a siren bow and some regents ( which im never going to use )

Bruh my brig fucking disappeared with 10 dark sealed chests when i was exploring an island, i didnā€™t even die once :sob::sob::sob:

Bruh, I got killed by a mutated atlantean whilst having 11 dark sealed chestā€¦ sucks to be me i guess

Most fun Iā€™ve had in the game in quite a while, loving how fucking chaotic it is

also good specter pfp I suppose idk

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is it kinda fcked up that i feel better knowing people also suffered like me ?

Update: I managed to get 15 dark sealed chests and return to the bronze sea

Just lost 18 chests because the brig owner died whilst we were in the first range going back

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I was about to say if you docked yours you could salvage the run
But I forgot you canā€™t dock in the dark sea
That sucks

For my experience Iā€™m getting too many things I want from friends
Like archaic hill armor from goopman and an archaic sail from banana

I just wasted an hour and a half, the last of my healing potions, two invisibility potions, and at least 24 dark sealed chests because I didnā€™t realize I had water poisoningā€¦ I was fighting a powerful Atlantean at the same time, I was focused completely on the fight and assumed the damage I was taking was due to its attacks, not the water poisoning. I got on my brigā€™s deck but couldnā€™t enter the captainā€™s quarters in time. So angry. At least itā€™s a learning experience, I guess???

I just hope Vetex patches the ship bug soon so I can use my main file.


well me and a friend were balls deep in a 2 hour trip and he disconnected, and thanks to vetexā€™s infinte wisdom i couldnt spawn a brig so we lost 22 sealeds

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