How's your dark sea experience

First person to find a ghost who looks like daisy cirro saying this dialogue wins

Hey, how many women have we all beaten at dark sea already?

Dispite having light magic, my teamates are faster than me

is bro doing the mr beast pose


I hate how you have to sail for 15 minutes straight on a 100 speed brig just to get to insanity 1

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While being chased by a horde of giant White eyes and receiving hits from every wave bc of incorrect brig hitbox

Gonna be honest here water poisoning is super easy to deal with just find a ledge

Most fun I havr had with AO in a while, not only because of the dark sea, but because of the challenge and reward that comes with it. Now, there is really a true incentive to use potions and jewelcrafting carefully, because everything counts when you’re in the dark sea. Only one small gripe, water poisoning is a dumb, unfun feature. Unlike the challenge of the rest of the dark sea, it provides a mere annoyance. But if you’re fighting atlantean ships and you get it, you are kinda screwed over.

Agree, there is no need in water poisoning’s existense. But I would like if all enviroment damage such as water poisoning, urchins, jellyfish, magma from volcano islands at the Dark sea or insanity was not percentage-based. Its kinda weird a 3k hp guy can’t live longer then a glass cannon after touching the urchin

And the drawback is questionable too. I still don’t get it wheres logic in it being based on your max hp? Glass cannons are too overpowered with it, bc drawback items mainly have colossal amount of power stat. And what for tanks, the drawback just ruins all their gameplay, they can’t live long anymore. Drawback MUST be based on DEALT DAMAGE, not on MAX HP, and it should activate only when attack LANDS, not when USED, so then it will make sense

so anyway how do i actually survive once i get a brig? my ketch has 10k health and it nearly died several times, is 10k health and whatever stability the ketch has not enough or should i invest in other stats like speed and turning speed

12k and up is pretty safe but 10k should be fine if you know what you’re doing. Your ship should be rounded out but durability is definitely one of the most important stats

10k hp for the dark sea is too low unless your ship has high turning and speed, so you can just avoid dangers. Also, stability for the 0 insanity range should be higher than 45, for other ranges higher than 80

Certified red lightning moment

Giant White Eyes and goofy ahh brig hitbox moment

Is there any existing topic about drawback thoughts? Can this be moved there?

I appreciate the support

‘Just find a ledge’ when I’m on a large island that spawned without any:

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“Just shoot a wall”