Hoyoverse x Type-Moon Collab

wtf awesome

Strange they specified the Unlimited Blade Works route instead of just saying F:GO or F:SN so we’ll probably be getting Archer or Shirou and/or a fan-favourite

cant wait until next year to see john fate in honkai star rail

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no Astolfo in my turn-based gacha game :sob:

guess i should watch F:SN BUT i’m too busy binging one piece. i have a whole year and a half though so i’ll get to it.

i’m assuming if a character is added it’ll probably be Physical Hunt Sabre or like, Fire Erudition/Destruction Gilgamesh or something.

is neco arc in that one


can we get the little girl cat into the game pleaseee hoyoverse

idk much if anything about these gacha games all I know is limbus company

how much “fan” service is in these games

HSR specifically has a meh amount. not so much in the jiggle, more in the open pit, back, and chest areas, along with short shorts.

it doesn’t like, get super annoying though imo. the designs all look pretty cool and they’re pulling away from fan-servicey designs especially recently.

one of the new characters has like, basically everything covered, and the other really only suffers from like, short shorts.

i love these two designs a lot so it’s nice to see them making good designs that also pull away from fanservice.

i’m not so sure about the fate series since i stopped playing F:GO like, 5-10 minutes in cause the combat felt slow and the story was weirdly paced so i’m the wrong person to ask for that.

HSR doesn’t have fan service and UBW is an anime adaption of a F:SN route and I don’t remember much fan service from it

Neco Arc is from Carnival Phantasm and Melty Blood

Oh nah, the MC and Neco Arc bouta go

Might save just for the collab. Can’t imagine pulling for anymore characters besides maybe Erudition on some reruns. Firefly has me a permanent team set up, and I just need to get the Acheron supports. Although, if that hunt character’s DPS is goated, I might nab them too.
So on my list is Jaoqiu and Lingsha for Acheron.
Actually, as I was typing this I looked into Feixiao, apparently she got an affliction called Moon Rage that Foxian’s can get, and that might be some kind of werewolf type stuff (probably wrong).

so no cat? shame

we can only hope

Fate is… quite a lot
i think you can guess what i can say about Mihoyo tho

Hoyoverse collab characters have always been free just fyi; Asuka in HI3 and Aloy in GI, so whoever is released in this collab, if anyone, will probably be as well.

they’re obtained through mail or events, so i wouldn’t worry about saving.

i was gonna get Jiaoqiu since i main Acheron, but i’ll just nab him on his rerun. i was also going to get Huohuo, but same story. Feixiao’s design is so pretty and if she has follow up attacks, which i imagine she will since Jingyuan does, i might just get her.

all that matters is if she’s fun to play and if her animations are good. i hate characters with slow, non-fluid animations for attacks (ex. Pela. i will never use Pela because her basic and skill feel so slow and lame), but since she’s a general and she has a gun sword i doubt she’ll be sluggish.

i’m honestly kinda hoping for Sabre since she’s the only character i know (again, i haven’t watched Stay Night yet), and seeing Excalibur be her ult would be sick.

The UBW route of the visual novel focuses on Archer and Shirou (and Rin), and since they specified UBW instead of the fate route we probably wont be getting Artoria

unless they pull a fast one :sob:

ohhhh okay

i’ve seen a lot of people saying Gilgamesh as well but i’ll still pray that it’s mrs. King Arthur :pray:

I got an E1S1 Robin so I’m good if she has Follow ups.
Although I’d mostly get her if she is as you said, fun, but also for Apocalyptic.

Current Priority:
Jiaoqiu (Top)
Feixiao or Lingsha

Lingsha if I need another Break Healer (Gallagher is good enough imo), I probably won’t need her LC.
Feixiao I might consider her LC if I don’t go for Lingsha (also depends on my Jade situation). Of course, if she’s another break character I might need to give it some thought since i have an e0s1 Firefly.

something i thought about, speaking of Feixiao vs Firefly if Feixiao is break-related, is that she probably won’t need Superbreak like Firefly does, freeing up the MC for you to use them on other teams (especially handy when future mcs come out. really hoping the nihility one will pair well with acheron.)

i say this cause she, again, will probably have FUA since Jingyuan did, so she’ll already have good damage, not needing as much break damage

In a beta showcase I saw, Jiaoqiu whenever an enemy does a turn debuffs them, giving Acheron a stack. So when dealing with Pure Fiction that’s giving Acheron a ton of free ults.

Feixiao might not be super break dependent, it wouldn’t be good to make them that since it would make people question if they want stay with Firefly or get Feixiao for their main team comp. Alternatively, they could provide the solution if she is break dependent in her LC to drive up sales.