"Hunters are wrong for hunting high renown players?" ;-;

I tend too but it’s honestly sad that they walk with a huge target on their back, yet not wanting to fight at all. The reward with deckhands is just too good. I feel like this could just simply be fixed if deckhands and renown were separate things

Poster 1v1s are great, most LB players respect them. But as said before, people with high renown that don’t do pvp will not. I feel like I’ve replied with this a lot now but separating renown and deckhands would prob fix this

Yea they will eventually, especially with this from the Think of the Casuals forum thread

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This is very well said, system is the thing fucking the players. Separate renown and deckhands and it will most likely become better

eh not really i had 3 speed deckhands (+12 speed) with only 180k fame i think its their issue
legendary deckhands need huge dedication to renown anyways so theres no point in going above 250k

Glad to see it’s already been adressed. I hope it changes for the better

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Unsure if this has been said yet or not, but you aren’t at fault at all for hunting people.
The system is at fault for being awfully made and full of flaws.

Yess I’ve come to realise this now, thank u :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s at the point where unless you started early or have a lot of time on your hands, you are almost forced to hunt players to actually get high renown, especially with how fast you can lose it.
While getting on the leaderboard without hunting players is possible (I know from experience, I would feel to bad about hunting people), it is a bit too difficult to be seen as a regular goal for someone to simply work towards like how someone might work towards getting 100% exploration.

I may not approve of hunting players due to forcing them into combat when they are doing something else but you are also forced to do that if you want some way to improve your ships further and to counteract the people hunting you. Killing for the sake of killing and killing because it is your only reasonable option are two different things.

No it’s not wrong to hunt a guy who has high bounty and fame they should know the consequence of this, I was a former Navy Commander (I left the navy they got no drip) and I was always hunted and tracked down by a few thermo warlords (mostly villains)

If he was a pve guy he should have left the moment someone was capable of killing him, gotta stay true to your playstyle you know, he’s gotta stick to servers with low level players or low bounty/fame players with little to no player kills.

Navy having no drip is the most common reason to leave

Honestly, as a pve player with 500k+ rep, the constantly hunting has made me quit playing AO until dark sea releases so I can enjoy the new content. There’s just nothing much for me to do anymore besides farm rep from NPCs, and every time I have to server hop like 4 or 5 times to find a relatively safe server. And when I try to enjoy playing with my friends a guy pops out of nowhere. Last time a shark ate me and I still lost rep cause apparently sharks count as players now if one is hunting you nearby. Guy didn’t even hit me. It’s such a waste of time and effort spending ten minutes to half an hour trying to avoid some player.

Bounty hunting is an inherently flawed system. It’s not some kind of duel, it’s just jumping and killing. While no, the person hunting isn’t necessarily at fault, more often than not the person doing it is being a toxic player.

I just want to collect the damn NPCs. It’s not even mainly about the stats, I just want some good looking NPCs on my ship.


I love PvE bounty hunting but doing it to other players makes me feel like a terrible person. I was always a bit of a wimp in arcane games, I hated getting ganked and I always opted for running away rather than fighting back. Nowadays I do usually fight back, but the feeling of getting ganked in previous games still sticks with me, and I don’t want to give that to other players.

why wont anyone 1v1 me

unfortunate hahaha, join a pvp community

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It is extremely easy to find people who high bounties who will fight, they are good targets for hunting if you want to get renown quickly without upsetting anyone.
Also if you choose not to hunt them they will hunt you anyway.

This is a genuinely awful outlook.
“Lol you don’t enjoy pvp so you better leave the second anybody else joins!”
Server hopping isn’t a solution, its barely even a bandaid.

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Personal hot take;

High renown players are the ones you should hunt. What I hate is when people target low renown players. They’re generally the ones who don’t care much for their renown, but find it annoying when they’re attacked for it (example; me)

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sounds like ur just pressed cuz u cant defend urself, get good lol

I was waiting for one of these replies :sob:
No one should have to get good at pvp, like many others mentioned we could care less about the pvp side of the game, and no one should be forced to play that part! It doesn’t matter how ‘good’ you are, there will be situations where someone jumps you out of nowhere that is impossible to win. If we just want to fish or explore or hunt NPCs, we should be able to.