"Hunters are wrong for hunting high renown players?" ;-;

i basically already answered the problem of “players sticking around for the pve when they’re obviously gonna get killed by pvp pros” that seems to be in this thread, so i’m gonna post an argument that was meant for deepwoken but is easily applicable here

here’s a humorous “solution” to the pvp problem that i actually still kinda support

There should be a bountyboard system that lets us see the list of players that players have killed and what level they were killed at.

that way, we know who to look for when wanting to enact justice against some low level killer trash


It should also probably get wiped by new data after a while, since pvpers who fight against equal opponents would look like scum after a couple level cap increases

what if it just recorded ratios or level differences? so if you hunted level 30 at level 10, level 50 at level 30, and level 100 at level 60, it would list you as a hunter that hunts players higher level than you

Yeah that works too but would also have to be wiped, say 50 logs are left and after the 51st the 1st gets wiped. That way if an asshole reforms or you become an asshole, the logs would indicate that faster.

Im not a game designer, so take what I say with a grain of salt

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It’s not wrong. Renown is supposed to be a pvp feature, and they can wipe their renown whenever they want to opt out of it. Idk what people are rambling about in the higher comments.

Only problem is deckhands being renown locked but other than that yeah. Then again galleons for deckhands would be too easy. Idk what would, could, or even if something should replace it

We want deckhand :sob: :sleeper:

(Tbh my fame isn’t even that high)

i dont like being in a 1-sided battle
no seriously, i cant pvp, and i also dont have bodyguards 24/7 at my side
what do you think an underpowered savant with 60 vit can do against a warlock? exactly, nothing

my computer is also potato
im just trying to get renown in peace, if you want to bounty hunt me, atleast ask first, then strike
if you had asked, then i wouldve let you, but no, you are too bloodthirsty for bounty to even let me finish

10 player kills? i only have 2
and both were players who volunteerd to let me bounty hunt them

Make it more like ar where you can use mortars on ships to deal an instant 5000 damage


Why do people even PvE in this game it’s so brainless.

The only reason I play this game is for the PvP. That’s the main reason I play.
I few myths I will either prove or debunk

PvPers are toxic: Yes. And more toxic than you think. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. You’ve never been in a PvP clan VC during a gank. It’s terrifying.

PvPers are sweats: Sort of??? LB players are really sweaty. Passive 2k HP shadow fist mages. Passive 2k hp Wind/Ice fist mages. Passive 2k HP thermo zerkers. They are all clones. They either spam fist and pulsar or fly around and use shot and axe slash and then climb the Ravenna mountain in 2 seconds and logs when they’re half health. They also use 60+ agility. They also always flood and run in groups of 3+. They will never hunt alone because it’s a death sentence and will ruin their precious LB position (they all suck and are potion demons)

PvPers target PvE players: No, not really. Solo hunters will never go after someone with perfect brewing. If you have slowness 3 upwards, smoke gels, gale pots, agility, water breathing, it’s a death sentence for us. If you don’t have any potions and u have a low pk/h ratio then we will hunt you, because you are easy fame.

You’re not the bad guy for hunting people.

Although in my opinion, it just annoys me that I want deckhands but if I get fame or renown I get a big target on my back.

Until there’s a revamp for the deckhand system it’s best for any pve only type players to avoid either or.

Bounty hunting is a game mechnic and you should use it, even if I don’t like it.

Edit: don’t be an asshole about it atleast if you’re going to hunt someone, and don’t bother low levels, they’re just trying to level up, no one likes a dickhead.

Thank you for listening to my tedtalk.

“I think I know what I’m going to do today!”

Not everyone is a PvP junkie. Not that that’s wrong, but im just not into fighting other people. Im here for the same reasons I may play any other game with a story

Isn’t like one of the main selling points of AO supposed to be that it’s “PvE and Exploration first?”

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Okay, so… uh?

I think you might’ve misunderstood something… (I know the topic of the original post, but the point still stands)

as a leaderboard player who hunts alone… i agree

ok so as long as you’re not the type of player to be extremely annoyed when you try to gank the agility enjoyer in god damn redwake (agility heaven) then you’re ok-ish

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