The ‘25 level range’ for pvp

The ‘25 level range’ for pvp
effort 4.181818181818182 11 quality 4.454545454545454 11 reasonability 4.666666666666667 12

(in the sense that high level no life fermented dick snobs ruin the experience for everyone and the game falls into a state of arbitrarily gatekept hell)

things like teaming we can probably never fix

but we definitely have to figure out how to prevent low level harassment.

Maybe you could only fight players who have beaten Elius, but haven’t beaten Argos yet?
And people who have killed Argos can’t kill you?

i think the combination of

greatly reducing fame if you have it (like 5000+ or 5% type reduction) because bleh preying on the weak being frowned upon or whatnot

giving you a LOT of notoriety if you have bounty (nobody likes having it)

if somebody is at such a low level, its difficult for them to actually be a threat to you
so doing these would make somebody have to actually go out of their way to not do it

This should have been a thing since the release, just a good idea without any downsides

Lol, my idea was having a “reaper of karma” that was triple the level of the low level killer materialize out of nowhere and start attacking the low level killer.

ahhhhh i can’t decide if this idea is good or bad ahhhhhhhh argh argh

what does vetex want out of his player demographic? does he WANT hardened sweats that win fights against people double their level?

This would cause an even bigger nuisance than the problem that is trying to be fixed, it’s not so simple as to just to say x has to in range of y’s levels since that makes it incredibly more annoying to try to do any PvP later on in the game & gets in the way of other features built around PvP

Can’t say I have any ideas that would work either though :woman_shrugging:

It’s a complicated game design problem which doesn’t have any clear solutions right away that appease everyone…it’s also not really that big of an issue right now considering how low the level cap is currently, it’s gonna get real noticeable once the level cap increases to the 500 ranges tho

nah there’s gonna be six seas max, so like 200 level range for each sea but OOOOHHH you’re supposed to come back for stuff like level 300 minibosses in first sea

as long as vetex doesn’t add level 800 and 1000 minibosses in first sea, i think each sea will have a tight enough level range for it to not be a problem

I’m not talking about level range I’m saying when the level cap in general gets increased to like 300-500 it’s likely gonna be a big issue by then

sure each sea in a dream world might have a “tight” enough lvl range to where it’s not an issue to players who are supposed to be in that sea according to their level (most likely will still be a problem since a 100 levels alone is quite significant) especially after 2nd awakening probably cuz they’ll have the same amount of tools, just the higher level player has access to stronger versions. However there’s not really anything stopping a high level player going to an earlier sea and slaughtering people a couple hundred levels below them

oh oof i thought you were using the level range argument to say that pvp restrictions are bad not that low level killing would become a problem later on

I mean restricting PvP to level ranges IS bad prolly, I doubt it’d be enjoyable mid-late game but I guess it would just need some testing :woman_shrugging:

Maybe have it be every 50 levels, and this restriction of pvp can be entirely removed when fighting at an arena or in a party with friendly fire enabled

Update it, second part is true now


absolutely love this, as a person whose been spawn spawnkilled myself for infamy and fame reduction, i can relate, and it would not let anymore suffer

10/10, would recommend

Please, I keep on getting hunted down on my level 60 criminal account by groups of max level sweats. This would be so much better

Yea that’s a nice addition but still massively gets in the way of hunting, the only way this feature could succeed if it were dynamic, since a flat 25 level range throughout the whole game will be very inadequate to say the least

tho still in general yall worrying about this too early, we still in early game so this isn’t that big of an issue to be worth putting a lot of effort into


Yeah 25 level difference seems good enough considering the base damage is based on your level and not the stat points. It’s just increased by armors/accessories and affected by what you use to attack so it shouldn’t be much of a difference if it’s 25 levels difference, so in other words, a low level player really cant fight against a high/max level player when they literally have the advantage of more hp and damage.

I’d rather this just be 4/5ths of your current level, or perhaps wider margin

I feel like a better way this can be done down the line is that there are just pvp level barriers like in other games
Or something similar.

This way, people can get most of their planned build ready before having to face those stinky rkers.

A level 25 pvp range sounds redundant no offense

this is actually a pretty good suggestion, though perhaps a bit of the 25 rule can apply when near the barriers like 199 and 200, just to be smoother