"Hunters are wrong for hunting high renown players?" ;-;

I think you are def correct, I tend to only hunt players that are higher renown than me :stuck_out_tongue:

payday 2
they rob banks n shit for the sake of saving america from a underground organization seeking to control the world
they also kill five billion police officers that have varied backgrounds and cause massive events that are harmful
Good guy or bad guy?
(no you arent the bad guy for hunting people)

I have to disagreeā€”players will still want to accumulate fame, if just to show progress. And not everyone likes being a neutral rep. Even if renown wasnā€™t tied to anything, itā€™d still be a system that forced the PVP and PVE playerbase together.

Exactly, there are people with more than 1.25 million renown. The leaderboard, along with killing for the sake of killing, pushes people to hunt as well

then dont play the pvp game lmao

Iā€™d say itā€™s fair enough at a certain renown amount but real talk here: players who accumulate over 500k renown in a day should get a showerless debuff that lasts until they reach neutral rep, which lowers their movement speed by 30%, jump height by 50%, attack speed by 10%, and cause a massive smell aura to emit from them, instantly killing all deckhands nearby and giving an esp alert to any player in it

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Alternatively it just prevents you from attacking other players, leaving you to get renown with pve only

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the first person with this debuff should be this man

bro said he got 800k renown in one day

Only time I ever saw that guy he was at munera doing 1v1s with people while someone was asking noober for dark sea update spoilers

this isnā€™t a PvP game, vetex himself said that PvP was never the main focus.
this is primarily a PvE game, thatā€™s where 90% of the content is and will be.

yeah but vetex also made a feature that encourages pvp lmao. If you donā€™t like it, donā€™t play it.

ok get this:
Iā€™m not playing it because I donā€™t like it.
Iā€™m still here because Iā€™m hopeful for the future updates of this game being less like this because I know that the current state of the game is not how it will remain forever.

However, that will not stop me from expressing my concerns with the current state of the game, even to the vocal minority youā€™re part of that begs for the game to be nothing but a toxic PvP nightmare.

duality of man

Dumbest PVE player vs smartest PVP player conversation:

its an rpg game with pve and pvp aspectsā€¦

people, just get good at the game, it takes time sure but at least you wont get ganked.

either that or play at neutral rep with no clan, nobody will care enough to bother you, dont complain if you have 600k rep and 20 pks, and someone decides to hunt you, youā€™re making yourself a target

there are people who will go out of their way to hunt you regardless of your renown- iā€™ve seen accounts of people who have less than 10k bounty that get farmed

even if those cases are few and far between, the point remains that itā€™s still a negative for the people who are on the receiving end

Donā€™t acknowledge Kettle, he brings nothing to the table. Most of Kettles responses come across as exclusively contrarian with single/double sentence bait posts designed to stir up as much dust as possible. He offers and adds nothing to any conversation about the game. I can respect an argumentitive person pushing a point they legitimately believe in, I donā€™t care enough to give a contrarian the attention he wants, and neither should you. Use that energy to argue with someone who brings mature discussion to the table.


yea he just devolved into insults that got deleted shortly after.

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Guys is this realā€¦ free money :money_mouth_face: